Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Killing Our Future

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A couple weeks ago Yahoo Finance provided us with an article, copied from CNBC, titled, "We need more babies! Seriously, this is a problem."  I thought that was fascinating, coming from a segment of the media that also routinely supports the slaughter of the unborn through abortion.

According to the article, the "U.S. birthrate fell for the sixth straight year in 2013 to an all-time low."  The writer then alarmingly states that, "this is really bad news for our economy, our society, and all of civilization."

We are reminded by the author that the theory of shrinking resources and the population bomb is a bunch of "hogwash," and is actually nothing knew.  The same arguments were used "in 1714, or 1814, and probably the year 10,000 B.C. And they were wrong then too."

New technologies, innovation, and new ideas, have always pulled us back from the brink.  You know, the good ol' concept of liberty and a free market.  Incentive.  Rather than stick our heads in the sand, as a species we have always confronted problems, and found solutions.  The author of the aforementioned article, Jake Novak, states that humans have "come up with the technologies to desalinate water, terrace mountainsides, drain swamps and fight disease with vaccinations and sewage treatment. I'm talking about the people who came up with kerosene to replace whale blubber, petroleum to replace kerosene, natural gas to replace petroleum, and so on and so on. All of the above came courtesy of humans. Reduce their number, and you also reduce your chances for the great innovations that make life better for the humans already on the planet and make life more comfortable and possible for billions more to join us."

The whole point of the conversation, according to Novak, is that "we" are our greatest resource.  Yet, we are reducing the number of "we" that we are producing.  The less of "we" that we have, the less the odds are that "we" will come up with those solutions we need to move forward.

Well, let me make a quick correction to that.  We need to produce more of the "we" that don't want to create a caliphate and cut people's heads off.  We need more of the "we" that have dominated the population of the Western World, but unfortunately it seems like we have thrown in the towel.

Without our population growth, economic growth, and a bright future becomes an elusive goal, rather than a sure thing.

The author of the CNBC piece never mentions abortion, however, and never states that perhaps one of the ways to curb our dropping birthrate is to quit killing our future while they still reside in the womb.  Instead, though the observation is a correct one, Novak focuses on the immaturity of our younger generation, and how couples hold off having children until later in life, or skip that part of their life journey, altogether.

The reason people are waiting, or skipping having children?

Children gets in the way of our lifestyle, and it has become much more expensive to have children, and raise them, in a world where the moral structure is coming apart at the seems.  However, as Novak points out, there's a societal price we're paying in this country for having fewer children later in life, as well.

Novak points out a novel-turned-Hollywood-movie to slam the point into place, and I couldn't agree more. . . "Children of Men" featured a chilling portrayal of a world with no birth rate and how it would descend into a nuclear holocaust (and jihadist nightmare).

Government gets in the way of everything by unconstitutionally sticking its nose into local issues, and individual lives.  When regulation appears, or our societal structure is riddled with taxes, you get less of an activity, and apparently that includes baby making.  Then, of the few getting pregnant, many are killing the innocent lives while they are still in the womb.

Having babies is becoming more expensive to the Middle Class, and the poor are aborting babies at an alarming rate.

While Novak seeks a legislative solution to the problem of "not enough babies," I suggest that we quit killing them before they have a chance to take their first breath, for starters.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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