Monday, December 29, 2014

Obama's Maginot Line Of Stonewalls

by JASmius

Most transparent administration ever:

Earlier this year, forty-seven inspectors general — the officials charged with fighting corruption, waste, and wrongdoing in federal agencies — sent a letter to Issa’s [House Government Reform & Oversight C]ommittee complaining that organizations ranging from the EPA to the Justice Department were impeding their investigations by withholding information — despite the fact that federal law specifically forbids withholding that information. These are not a bunch of Republican operatives trying to score a few political points: Those forty-seven inspectors general comprise more than half of all such officials, and many who signed the letter were appointed by President Barack Obama. Their complaint is that the federal agencies treat them more or less like they do . . . members of Congress: thwarting them, withholding documents, obstructing investigations.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general for the Justice Department, came to the Oversight Committee practically begging them for a means by which the DOJ – the federal law-enforcement department — might be forced to follow the laws that it is supposed to be enforcing. “It is very clear to me,” he testified, “just as it is to the Inspectors General community, that the Inspector General Act of 1978 entitles inspectors general to access all documents and records within the agency’s possession. Each of us firmly believes that Congress meant what it said in Section 6(a) of the IG Act: that Inspectors General must be given complete, timely, and unfiltered access to agency records.” But under the leadership of Attorney General Eric Holder, the DOJ did no such thing. Horowitz notes that the DOJ specifically tried to withhold information related to the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious. [emphases added]

Not a newflash of any kind for anybody who's been paying attention for the past six years.  But it does help illustrate the scale of the imperiousness of the Obama Tyranny, and how obvious is their royalist belief that they are not just above the law, but are demidivinely ordained and entitled to be so.

Could any white Democrat president get away with such blanket, wall-to-wall obstruction of justice?  Possibly; one need look no further than Bill Clinton's two-term reign of corrupt debauchery for such an example.  But it must be remembered that Bill Clinton was arguably the greatest political performer and propagandist in American history.  Could Jimmy Carter or Lyndon Johnson or Harry Truman or FDR have gotten away scot-free with the sheer multitude of scandals that Sick Willie did?  It's hard to see it.  And it should also be remembered that even Mr. Bill became only the second POTUS ever to be impeached, for the negligible impact it had on his "legacy".

Barack Obama, by contrast, is a mediocre political actor at best.  As I've often observed, if The One had been white, he'd have been the Democrats' answer to Dan Quayle.  But he's not white; he's "The First Black President," and he's also as ruthless a ruler as any country has ever seen outside the Iron Curtain.  That toxic brew of entitlement mentality, authoritarianism, and clinical narcissism makes this unprecedented, almost inconceivable level of opacity a veritable inevitability.

In a nutshell: Anybody who's surprised by this story, stand on your head.

It's also why he need never worry about ever being impeached, and indeed, why he creates every appearance of trying to goad congressional Republicans into impeaching him: Doing so would be a PR disaster for the GOP and a boon for the White House and the Democrat Party and rallying cry for the far Left because it would be seized upon by the Obamedia as "proof" of the "racism" of all Republicans, conservatives, constitutionalists, Tea Partiers - even the GOP "establishment".  All the more so if they had the Senate votes to actually remove him from office, which they don't, but even making the attempt would unleash the mother of all racial bleepstorms.  And especially now, with the Ferguson-inspired race war raging across the country.

Race, in so many words, trumps the rule of law, along with every other Obama-dictated public policy and group-identity priority.

Is there any way to answer the four dozen IG's plaintive cry?  Congress has two primary constitutional means at its disposal: impeachment, which we've already established that they'll never pursue, and hardball defunding to try and force the Regime's hand on its serial stonewalling.  But as House 'Pubbies have already shown themselves to be too squeamish to even defund Red Barry's unlawful amnesty decree, the chances of even this appear to be vanishingly minimal.

And, thus, what incentive does King Hussein have to belatedly start cooperating with any of these dozens of investigations?  Think of it this way: If you were O, would you give these IGs the time of day?

Kind of pyrrhically underscores the need for voter vigilance, doesn't it?

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