Thursday, December 25, 2014

Unions To Recruit Illegal Aliens Covered By Obama Amnesty

by JASmius

Garbage in, garbage in:

Labor unions are eyeing an estimated four million immigrants who entered the United States illegally as a prize pool of new recruits for their struggling movement, now that President Barack Obama has used an executive decree of amnesty to shield the migrants from being deported, Fox News reports.

Labor groups including the AFL-CIO, Service Employees International Union, and United Food & Commercial Workers have begun reaching out to immigrants covered by the president's executive order.

They are training organizers, partnering with community groups and churches for recruitment, and using the Internet to inform immigrants about their protected status, Fox reports.

One union leader, Tom Balanoff of SEIU, told the Associated Press that he hopes one effect of the president's order is that "more workers will come forward and want to organize."

That's funny, because I thought that Big Labor was largely opposed to amnesty because of the downward pressure on wages it creates, and the increased competition it creates with their existing members for an ever-dwindling pool of working class/"blue collar" jobs in the moribund Obamaconomy.  I guess it finally dawned on them (or they received their orders from the White House) that if they organize illegals, they won't need the white citizen members who aren't hot on mandatory unionism in the first place and can happily let them all be pink-slipped to join the ever-burgeoning pool of "ghost workers" that officially no longer exist in the moribund (but phonily portrayed as "recovering") Obamaconomy.

Remember the term "Reagan Democrats"?  Substitute "Walker Democrats" and you're going to be hearing a lot more of that term over the next few years, Obama coup permitting.  If it wasn't a certainty before, it darn sure will be now.

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