Tom Ford is, evidently, both a homosexual and a jewelry designer. Also evidently, he designed the "penis necklace" depicted above. And trust me, folks, when I tell you that when I did the search for "penis necklace pictures" to find the above pic, this one is the most subtle depiction I found.
Why, you may ask, did I go looking for such a thing? Take a closer look at this "necklace". Does it not bear more than a passing resemblance to something else? Like a crucifix, just perhaps?
Now nobody, least of all I, am suggesting that Tom Ford should be banned from designing whatever jewelry he wants and thinks he can market. Sexual perverts are a market segment as much as anybody else, and if they want to buy this dreck, that's their business.
But by the standards of British Muslims and American institutions of "higher" learning, is there not ample reason for Christians to take offense at, and be upset by, a queer jewelry designer blaspheming Jesus Christ's sacrifice at Calvary for the sins of all mankind, past, present, and future, by disfiguring a crucifix to look like his "package"? Should not all Christians be pouring out into the streets en masse in righteous rage to bitterly protest this affront to our "sensibilities"?
I'll leave that to you to decide. But it's beyond obvious that if we did, the Left would hysterically depict such protests as "an imminent theocratic coup de tat" necessitating the mobilization of law enforcement to crack down on these "Christianist terrorists" in order to "save the country". Because, you see, Christians, just as with whites and men (and "heterosexuals," I suppose), "cannot" be victims, but can only be "victimizers," and only the Left gets to determine those definitions. There are no individuals, and there is no individual responsibility; there are only groups, and whites, males, heterosexuals, and Christians are the "bad" group(s), and thus must be suppressed and wiped out at all costs.
Just ask the Islamic State:
ISIS have beheaded four Christian children in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam, a British vicar based in the country has [reported].
Canon Andrew White, who is known as the ‘vicar of Baghdad‘, told Orthodox Christian Network that the killings happened in a Christian enclave close to Baghdad which has been taken over by ISIS (Islamic State – ed).
He spoke of how ISIS has “hounded” the Christians out of Iraq, and how “they killed in huge numbers, they chopped their children in half, they chopped their heads off, and they moved north and it was so terrible what happened”.
Canon White claimed that the children who were beheaded had refused to “follow Mohammed”.
“ISIS turned up and said to the children, ‘You say the words that you will follow Mohammed’.” “The children, all under fifteen, four of them, said, "No, we love Yeshua, we have always loved we have always followed Yeshua, Yeshua has always been with us."
“They said: ‘Say the words.’ They said ‘No, we can’t.’ They chopped all their heads off. How do you respond to that? You just cry.”
Or, in the case of the Left, you either quietly nod your head in satisfaction or loudly and publicly celebrate these "retroactive abortions" of children so "defective" as to embrace the "primitive superstition" of following Jesus Christ. Because Muslims can only be the "victims" of Christians, not the victimizers, no matter how many Christian heads they chop off.
I'll leave it to you to speculate on the liberal furor that would erupt if Christians anywhere in the world were overrunning Muslim countries and forcing the latter to convert to Christianity on penalty of messy, grisly death. No, wait, I don't have to, because we saw precisely that in Serbia in the late '90s, when the regime of Slobadan Milosevic was smeared with the charge of "ethnic cleansing" of Muslims in Kosovo when the truth was that the Muslim terrorist group the Kosovo Liberation Army was, in fact, waging jihad against the Christian Serbs, and yet the Clinton administration tried to bomb them back to the stone age anyway.
How long will it be, my friends, before this symbol.... the Star of David in Germany eighty years ago, is forcibly affixed to the lapels of the Brethren not just in Mosul, but right here in Obamerikastan?
Speaking for myself, I couldn't care less about the hyper-sensibilities of "non-Christians". You want "tolerance"? Fine - make it a two-way street. But my "tolerance" of them ends with their intolerance of us.
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