Don't bother playing the video; I only posted it for the thumbnail pic because it is evidently impossible to find jpegs of anything having to do with YouTube, as no Bing or Google search combination produces anything about videos. (Update: I found a jpeg after all, but I like this lede so much - which means I want to come up with an updated lede so little - that I'm just going to leave this one. Any objections, take it up with my fingertips)
Okay, you can play the vid if you want. But know that there are far more worthy reasons to slam YouTube than not getting to post home movies with copyrighted music tracks in the background:
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is a valuable resource for those who want to learn what the Muslims in the Middle East are saying to each other away from the eyes of the [Oba]media. Early on Tuesday, YouTube deleted the MEMRI account for “repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines and/or claims of copyright infringement.” In other words, someone complained that MEMRI was sharing truthful videos of Muslim hate-speech (what some call Islamophobia).
Doesn't the Muslim hate speech - and their demonstrated propensity for acting upon it - justify "Islamophobia," though? Not, apparently, to YouTube.
Most MEMRI videos features Muslim speakers denouncing Israel, Jews, the West and/or the United States. MEMRI translates the text into English and adds it as a subtitle on the video. Recent examples of MEMRI videos posted on TruthRevolt include "Jordanian MP: The PA Must Not Defend The Interests Of The Filthy Jews" and "Yemeni Child Leads Crowd in Chant ‘Curses Upon the Jews, And Victory for Islam’".
This isn’t the first time YouTube has deleted MEMRI’s account. MEMRI can appeal the decision, which they have done in the past. They have always been reinstated.
So somebody within YouTube wants MEMRI silenced and somebody within YouTube has a dim recollection of freedom of speech and remnant value for vigorous public debate - about every topic.
If this latest suppression of MEMRI is attracting this much public attention, they'll probably be reinstated again. But that other somebody or somebodies will continue looking for a way to shut them up that they can make stick.
Perhaps they should rename themselves "DhimmiTube". At least that would be truth in advertising.
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