Thursday, January 15, 2015

John Boehner, Anti-Amnesty Warrior

by JASmius

Throwing down a gauntlet that cannot be walked back:

“The president’s overreach,” Boehner said, “is an affront to the rule of law and the Constitution itself.”  Indeed it is.  And since O has already dictated that he will veto any DHS appropriation that doesn't overfund his unlawful amnesty decree, there will be a showdown.  After the howling grassroots outrage that greeted the CRomnibus cram-down that overfunded O's unlawful amnesty decree, and this conspicuous a public stand against it, this confrontation is happening, whether Boehner - or Mitch McConnell, since this entails both Republican majorities - are serious about it or not.

And once again, this is a confrontation that we can win.  We have the numbers - not to override a veto, but three quarters of the American voting public that emphatically doesn't want Obamnesty and won't take kindly to the perception of the White House sacrificing "homeland security" against jihadist strikes at home for the stubborn, insistent sake of despotically and illegally flooding the country with poverty, disease, societal unrest, and yes, (even more) Islamic terrorists.  That might just be enough to peel off a significant number of Democrat votes for an override.  And if it doesn't, let them hang for it in 2016.  Because that's what the GOP base will do to the majority if they cave yet again.

Like Rocky Balboa said to Clubber Lang in their rematch:

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