We're #12 in the world in economic freedom? Really? I would never have guessed that we still rank that high:
The [Heritage Foundation] Index [Of Economic Freedom] rates economic freedom for countries on ten quantitative and qualitative factors that are based on four pillars of freedom: rule of law, limited government, regulatory efficiency and open markets.
“Each of the ten economic freedoms within these categories is graded on a scale of 0 to 100. A country’s overall score is derived by averaging these ten economic freedoms, with equal weight being given to each,” according to the Index.
While the United States’ ranking in the Index has remained unchanged over the year, its score has improved slightly.
“The United States’ economic freedom score is 76.2, making its economy the 12th freest in the 2015 Index,” states the report. “Its score is 0.7 point higher than last year, with modest gains in six of the ten economic freedoms, including control of government spending, outweighing a slight decline in business freedom.”
"Slight"? To modify a line from Clinton "Hawkeye" Barton in The Avengers, "You and I define 'slight' very differently." I wouldn't have pegged Obamerikastan as being even in the top half, much less the top dozen. Second look at hope?
Also, I wonder where we would rank if ObamaCare had never been shoved down our throats. I bring that up because of the countries that are freer than we are: Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Chile, Estonia, Ireland, Mauritius, and Denmark. There is an African country that is freer than we are, folks. And a former captive "republic" of the old Soviet Empire. And how many of these eleven nations have socialized medicine, and they're still freer than the late, great US of A? Not all of them, but most.
This is what sixty-two million numbnuts twice voted for, gentles. Doesn't it make you proud to be an American?
It doesn't? Well, if being headed to the bottom of the economic freedom rankings like an anchor doesn't puff out your chest, this definitely will:
One out of every five children in the U.S. relies on food stamps for some meals, according to new data released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.
....That number is still higher than it was before the start of the [d]e[pr]ession in 2007. In 2014, 16 million children received food stamps.
This data and more is in the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual release of data on families and their living arrangements, which came out today.
Another trend in the data: The number of children in families with married parents who receive food stamps has doubled since the recession began. [emphases added]
Oh, but let not your hearts be trouble, peeps; food stamps create jobs. Nancy Pelosi said so. Or something like that. And Barack Obama is "the champion of the middle class". Or something like that. Isn't that what he told us again nine days ago?
And do you know how Barack Obama champions the middle class? It works like this: He confiscates the food we get from his food stamps, snarfs it down his own gullet, has his goons force and hold our mouths open, drops his mom jeans, poops in our mouths, plungers it down our throats, and pronounces us "well-fed". We are then forced, after we stop coughing and gagging, to thank him profusely and tearfully for everything he's done and continues to do "for" us. And if any of us throws up, we're denounced as "racists" and thrown in the gulag.
Yep, that about sums it up.
Hungry yet? I'm famished. When I'm allowed to close my mouth, anyway.
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