How DARE the Jews defend themselves from years of daily rocket and missile attacks on their cities and occasionally fire back at Hamas! Have they no human decency at all?:
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu accused his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday of terrorism....
That would be the Jews defending themselves.
....and said Israeli "provocations" such as the bombardment of Gaza were contributing to radicalization in the Muslim world.
Because the squishy moderation of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda and the Islamic State and the Iranian mullahgarchy is utterly beyond dispute. Because, see, if they had been "radical" all along, ISIS would be burning all infidels alive instead of mercifully beheading and crucifying them, and the mullahs would already have wiped Israel off the map. But because the Jews persist in the unpardonable sin of self-defense, that peaceful regional tranquility is all going to go to hell. And it's all Israel's fault. That makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
In a Reuters interview, Davutoglu said peace in the Middle East and the eradication of extremist groups would be virtually impossible without the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Founded and run BY an "extremist group" on territory without which the Jews would be defenseless.
Sorry, Ahmet, but they've seen this story before, and they know how it ends. The world might have said, "Never again," seventy years ago, but the Holocaust's victims really meant it.
He also warned the international community against focusing solely on fighting Islamic State militants in its efforts to end the conflict in Syria, saying the "brutality" of President Bashar al-Assad was the root cause of the problem.
Because the Assad regime is the catspaw of Iran, and the mullahs are Turkey's rival for control of the Islamic Caliphate while ISIS is Turkey's clandestine catspaw.
Which makes this final blurb the punchline:
Turkey, an EU candidate nation and member of the NATO military alliance, is a key Western ally in the fight against Islamic jihadists. But its leaders have become increasingly concerned about what they see as rising Islamophobia in Europe and increasingly outspoken in their criticism of Israel. [emphasis added]
Oh, no, they're not, Thomson/Reuters. Not by a long shot. To the contrary, the Turks have become almost as anti-Semitic as the Obama Regime. Which means it's almost a race to see which Islamist regime will wipe Israel off the map first.
Exit question: If I had just posted this anti-Semitic doggerel and hadn't mentioned that it came from
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