Slow Joe escapes the White House attic again; Democrats building weak anti-Walker narrative; Overhaul of No Child Left Behind more of a refurbishment; As the world "boils," Niagra Falls freezes - solid; A million ObamaCare conscripts given incorrect tax information; Obama Regime quietly & completely reneges on last year's VA reforms; Eric Holder couldn't scalp Darren Wilson, so he's going after the Ferguson PD on his way out the DOJ door; Praise homosexuality says schools, Equal Protection Clause says so; Straight-Men: Alabama's Last Stand; "Gender fluidity" is semantical stupidity; Subprime consumer debt soars to 7-year high; FCC Commissioner blows whistle on Obama’s illegal Internet takeover; Russia's geopolitical positioning continues; Islamic terror strikes Denmark, France (again) as resident Jews start leaving for Israel; Obama trying to turn Israel into 21st-century Czechoslavakia; ISIS beheads 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians as part of invasion of Libya, triggering Egyptian retaliatory airstrikes, while capturing al-Baghdadi in Western Iraq, trapping 300 Marines at al-Asad Air Base; and while ISIS threatens invasion of Europe, harvests "infidel" organs and engages in anti-"infidel" cannibalism. Barack Obama's global "Stand With Mohammed" conference steals the show.
"All...by...myself...." at 3PM Eastern/Noon Pacific.
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