Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pennsylvania Judge Refuses To Be Sharia-ized

by JASmius

Instead, he invoked another body of law - in this case, Title 42, Section 5901 of the Pennsyvania Consolidated Statutes - which states:

Every witness, before giving any testimony shall take an oath in the usual or common form, by laying the hand upon an open copy of the Holy Bible…

Non-religious alternative protocols are available.  But the PCS says nothing about the bleeping Qu'ran.  As befits the fact this is a Judeo-Christian country - or used to be - governed by a Constitutional - or used to be.  And in this particular Philadelphia court room, still is.

The provocation?:

In yet another example of an attempt to inject the Quran and Sharia law in these American states, a Pennsylvania Muslim woman recently demanded that she be allowed to take the oath in a custody hearing on the Quran instead of the Christian bible (Musaitef v. Musaitef, (Philadelphia County, PA Common Pleas).

After giving his oath on the Christian Bible, the woman’s husband, who is also a Muslim testified, but when it came time for the woman to give to the Court her testimony, she refused and instead of cooperating – insisted that she be allowed to swear on the Quran.

After taking his oath on the Christian Bible, the father objected to the mother’s oath being taken on the Quran.

After insisting on the use of the Quran for her sworn testimony, the judge refused to allow the Quran to be used for her testimony rejecting the woman’s argument that other states recognize other non-Christian holy books. The Pennsylvania law calls for sworn oaths to be made on the “Holy Bible,” but it does permit non-religious oaths, affirmations, and other types of oaths. “Which oath so taken by persons who conscientiously refuse to take an oath in the common form shall be deemed and taken in law to have the same effect as an oath taken in common form,” the statute reads.

Evidently, there's no Muslim equivalent of the adage, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".

Mrs. Musaitef is claiming to have been "discriminated against," of course.  Probably on the grounds of a First Amendment that her kind are bent on wiping out in favor of...Sharia.

Maybe next time she'll shop for her judge a little more carefully, because there are any number of robed tinpots out there that will be happy to oblige her demands.  Kudos and huzzahs to this one in the City of Brotherly Cheesesteaks for eschewing dhimmihood.

Until it becomes mandatory, anyway.

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