Monday, March 02, 2015

50% Plunge In Stock Market Is "Possible"

by JASmius

The harmonic tremors of impending economic calamity just keep a-rumbling:

As for the stock market, "it's elevated right now," notes [Newsmax finance "insider" Sean] Hyman, author of The Six Keys to Financial Success!

"I don't expect it to perform as well over the next twelve months as it has over the past twelve months." The S&P 500 has returned 13.2% during that period....

Could the drop by U.S. stocks be as severe as 50%?

"It could happen," Hyman said. "Corrections are generally 10%, 20% or 30%. But we have had a couple of corrections — in 2000 and 2008 — that were on the tune of 40%, 50%."

Volatility has kicked up at times in recent months, "as the stock markets is getting high and the economy is not performing as well," Hyman said. "So there's a little bit of a decoupling of what markets have done versus what the economy has done." [emphasis added]

Or, in less effete euphemism, the economy is smoldering wreckage and the stock market is still wafting on the monetary fiscal updrafts of the tsunami of fiat currency pumped insatiably into the financial sector by the Federal Reserve to prop up the Obamunist illusion of an "economic recovery" that has never actually materialized by deliberate White House policy.  And when the "walls" in Wall Street come a-tumblin' down, the "crash" will be great, indeed, and Barack Obama will have his bookend Final Crisis to exploit.

Which is why I exited the market a full four years ago.

But then, by this time there really isn't anything he can't do that would require another such calamity anyway.  But his vanity still needs that "messianic" leavening for the despotic actions he'll unleash as a result, if he can't bully them out of the GOP rump Congress - which now has to be considered a legitimate possibility.

You know that Barry - he just loves to "share the credit" like he does what remains of our wealth.

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