Friday, March 20, 2015

Congress Moves To Defund Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal

by JASmius

Yes, yes, I know, "We'll believe it when we see it, and maybe not even then".

I guess we'll see just how "bipartisan" congressional opposition to The One's Iran sellout really is:

Congressional leaders have begun pressuring their colleagues to cut off all U.S. funding for the ongoing talks with Iran over its contested nuclear program as the Obama administration rushes to hash out the details of a deal in the coming months, according to multiple sources and a letter that will be sent next week to appropriators in the House of Representatives.

Which raises the question of why this is such a great deal if they're rushing so frantically to ram it down our throats.

With the deadline approaching, congressional Republicans have been exasperated by the Obama administration’s efforts to prevent them from having any oversight over the deal.

Which can not unreasonably be interpreted as, "We want to share the credit for 'peace for our time'".  Especially if they chicken out on defunding this "deal" like they have every other Obama outrage.

Representatives Peter Roskam (R-IL6) and Lee Zeldin (R-NY1) are now petitioning their colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee to prohibit all taxpayer funding for the talks, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

This would purge all U.S. funds available to Obama administration officials for travel abroad, hotel stays, and any other activities related to the P5+1 talks with Iran.

Of course, they'd just steal the funds from somewhere else in the relevant budget, or have Janet Yellen print enough fiat dollars to cover it.  Nothing, but nothing is going to prevent Barack Obama from his Neville Chamberlain moment.

But it would be a breath of fresh air if the GOP majorities would leave their fingerprints off of this one for a change.

Good hunting, gentlemen.

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