The Logan Act is not friendly to the Left; The Obama Regime lets a terrorist-supporting country continue its quest for nuclear weapons, and U.S. senators note U.S. law regarding international treaties. Which is damaging U.S. interests?; Why Nancy Peloi's 2007 canoodling with Bashar Assad remains indefensible; Obama can so force his Iran sellout on the country without Congress's consent - not legally, but since when has that mattered?; Why limit the ability of the next commander-in-chief to repair the damage Obama has caused? Maybe because there isn't going to be a "next commander-in-chief"; and Isrealis should send Obama a message of defiance and re-elect Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud - but that's not what the polls are foreshadowing.
Remembering and lamenting our place and plight at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.
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