Monday, March 23, 2015

More Conformist "Diversity"

by JASmius

Almost a quarter-millennium after the first "shot heard 'round the world," the return salvos finally impact:

Lexington, Massachusetts may have played host to one of the first battles of the American revolution, but 240 years later, “American pride” is considered offensive to the school system.

Students on the dance committee at Lexington High School voted for “American Pride” to be the theme of this year’s prom, which was scheduled to be held April 10th.

But administrators overruled that decision, saying it “excludes” other nationalities and canceled the dance.

To quote the noted political philosopher Optimus Prime, "That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard!"  First of all, this is a high school dance, not the United Nations General Assembly.  Second of all, this dance was to take place in an American high school, in an American city, in an American State (well, sort of), within the boundaries of America, and attended by American students.  Just exactly how, given that background and context, is the theme "American pride" not excruciatingly appropriate?  Are these jackoff educrats expecting us to believe that the only way to make this cotillion "acceptable" is to import enough foreign exchange students to make the dance attendance globally demographically proportional - meaning American kids would be heavily outnumbered at their own dance and it would not, in fact, be their dance anymore - and that the only thing they'd be allowed to do is "toss each other's salad"?

Yes!  They!  Are!

And, amazingly enough, the young skulls full of mush are not buying it:

Students swiftly and roundly criticized the move.

“People consider America to be a melting pot, so the fact that it was even considered offensive is what people are a little surprised about,” student Sneha Rao tells 7 News.

“It’s a little ridiculous,” student Ethan Embry says. “In my opinion, (it’s) a lot of hypersensitivity to being politically correct.”

No, Miss Rao, "people" USED TO consider America a "melting pot."  Remember when Al Gore reversed "el pluribus unum" - "From many, one" - by proclaiming that it meant, "From one, many"?  "People" at the time thought that was a gaffe-ish malapropism that indicated his low mental wattage.  But that's what leftwingnuts really believe.  Why?  Because they hate America and everything it's ever stood for.  That's why Barack Obama rose to power on the grim wings of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America".  It's simple, straightforward logic - nobody ever seeks to "fundamentally transform" something that they accept and agree with, but things that they consider to be screwed up and just plain wrong.

This is the mentality vising the poobahs at Lexington High School.  They deem the slogan "American pride" to be "exclusive" because they want to exclude anything that is positive toward and sympathetic to America:

Administrators at Lexington Public Schools – whose motto is “The Historic Past Meets the Progressive Future” [cue the barfing sound effects] – defended the decision.

“Given the diverse demography of our community it was suggested by the advisers that the students come maybe national pride theme so they could represent their individual nationalities,” Assistant Superintendent Carol Pilarski says.

As if America had never existed.  Which they wish it hadn't.

And yet the "nationality" of each and every student of that high school (aside from illegal aliens imported and distributed by the Obama Regime) is American.  It's a nonsensical, pathetic, bordering on plaintive attempt to divide and sew Ameriphobic indoctrination in a student body that is, hearteningly given the "blueness" of the locality, far more patriotically enlightened and resistant - perhaps even innoculated against - the poisonous counterculture contagion being foisted on it by the authority figures who are insistently attempting to misguide them.

And still I come back to the fact that this gambit just doesn't make any sense on the face of it.  So, logically, we need to peer beneath that face to unearth the true motivations.

And, sure enough, it's racism:

She added the “American Pride” theme would not be “inclusive.”

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, “white” students comprise about 83% of the student population. [emphasis added]

And that gets back to one of the core reasons why lefties hate America: Too many white people.  In the Left's dialectic, white people are the focus of evil in the modern world (and especially Jews, but then you already knew that).  White people are the inventors of "racism," and "slavery" and "sexism" and "homophobia" and "trannyphobia" and "beastiaphobia" and "vegesexualphobia" and "pedophilaphobia" and all the other group/identity politics "sins" of the Obamunist Decalogue.  Europe is hell, the Founding Fathers were its demons, and George Washington the Devil himself.  And since guilt is collective, not individual, and facts are whatever the Left says they are, it doesn't matter that blacks enslaved more whites AND blacks over the course of the past several centuries than whites ever did blacks (and Muslims enslaved more of both and more, but then you already knew that), or that those whites didn't enslave those blacks but simply purchased them from the black slaveholders who did and didn't free them, or that white Americans alive today are generations removed from those ancestors, or that not all white Americans alive today even HAD slave-holding ancestors (as I did not).  No, if you're white, you're guilty of it all by the Left's definition.  And, thus, deserving of enslavement and racial cleansing and even genocide in turn.  Which the Left is not quite ready to implement, but in the mean time is insidiously in a position to Stockholm-Syndromize American students into believing and accepting so that when the cattlecars arrive, they'll dociley and penitently herd themselves into them.

Long story short, it is considered a bad thing that five out of every six students at Lexington High School are still white, because that makes it more likely that ALL of the students at Lexington High School will be American, as evidenced by their wanting to celebrate not "gay pride" or "black power," but American pride, and thus correspondingly more difficult to indoctrinate in the view that America is a country and a concept to be loathed and reviled and an object of crushing shame.

You'd think that educrats would have more confidence in their own abilities, wouldn't you?  And that they'd have availed themselves of the opportunity to distribute cases of condoms to the youngsters as they came through the gymnasium door.

But look on the bright side, Miss Pilarski, Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School in New Mexico voted to have a “communism” theme at their prom. So all hope for America's destruction isn't lost.

Exit question: Remember the original movie Red Dawn?

Do you suppose that if Soviet paratroopers landed on the grounds of Lexington High School today, the school administrators would welcome them as liberators?  I know where my bet would go.

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