Remember last fall when we were sputtering with outrage that this horrifying contagion wasn't being quarantined outside the United States? That each and every American exposed to it in West Africa wasn't cooling his or her heels in medical isolation for the month it takes the disease to manifest itself? That the Obama Regime wasn't taking what would once have been considered no-brainer, common sense precautions in order to protect the American people?
Boy, Red Barry sure has acclimated us to living dangerously, huh?:
The National Institutes of Health on Friday admitted an American health-care worker who contracted ebola while treating patients in Sierra Leone.
The NIH said in a statement Thursday that the health-care worker was being evacuated to the U.S. by chartered jet and was to be treated in a high-containment facility on its Bethesda, Maryland, campus. The health-care worker will be the eleventh person to be treated for Ebola in the U.S. All but two have survived.
It has been months, though, since anyone confirmed to have the disease has been transported to the U.S. The most recent patient was Martin Salia, a surgeon who was in advanced stages of illness when he was evacuated from Sierra Leone in November. He died shortly after arriving. Others have since been evacuated and monitored by U.S. physicians after exposure to the ebola virus.
So have we just been lucky to avert an entirely avoidable pandemical outbreak here at home? Well, the skill and knowledge of whatever portion of the U.S. healthcare system that The One hasn't laid waste has clearly played a role, and that isn't mere good fortune. But what is a blessing is that the virus hasn't yet (that we know of) mutated into an even more virulent and communicable form. And it is more likely to do so the more often it is spread and more people are exposed to it. Which is why communicable disease sufferers have historically and traditionally always been quarantined outside the country to protect the American population if and where at all possible. And the Obama Regime still refuses to do that.
Why? You know why.
So how far away are the Twelve Monkeys....?
.....I don't think we want to find out.
Pity Barack Obama doesn't feel the same way.
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