Monday, March 16, 2015

"Show Me" Dhimmism

by JASmius

Meet Farah El-Jayyousi, the "psychology and women’s and gender studies double-major and social justice advocate" Muzzie tail wagging the Mizzou dog:

I do not feel safe on this campus and for good reason. The fact that this film is being shown, the fact that I have to explain why this film is not only problematic but harmful makes me feel even more unsafe. Showing this film will create an even more hostile environment for me and other Arab, Muslim, South Asian and people of color on this campus.

"Hostile environment"?  For Muslims?  In Obamerikastan?

Don't tell me this harem girl doesn't know exactly how strong is the metaphorical horse she's riding.

I am requesting that this film not be shown and that it either be replaced with a film that does not glorify violence or support existing systems of domination and oppression, or an event addressing American Sniper and similar films and media texts using a critical lens. This film is blatant racist, colonialist propaganda that should not be shown under any circumstances and especially not endorsed by a branch of student government that purports to represent me and have my best interests in mind.

Because "student government," just like all government at every level everywhere else in the U.S., is only supposed to represent Islamic Fundamentalists and nobody else.  "Infidels" should have no rights, no freedom to watch whatever movies we want to see, or utter a single even minutely critical word about Islam, but should be forcibly indoctrinated in Muslim propaganda and brainwashed and/or bludgeoned into becoming good little dhimmis.  Do-it-yourself Sharia employing the toxic rhetoric of campus communists.

Miss El-Jayyousi shouldn't even be told to go "ride" a camel - she should be being ignored entirely as American Sniper enjoys a long, raucous run on the University of Missouri campus.  And, failing that, ridiculed mercilessly for seeing imaginary Bradley Coopers anyplace but in her sexual fantasies.

Instead, the showings will be canceled, the movie banned, the prayer rugs manditorily passed out, and infidel faces forced floorward.  All because one she-hadist said so.

And if Miss El-Jayyousi subsequently leads a Mizzou pro-Hamas rally, chanting phrases that make Jewish students feel unsafe, will the student body call an emergency meeting with the plan of silencing her and other pro-Palestinian students?

Sorry, my fellow "Crusaders," for that tat there is no tit.

Chris Kyle wept.

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