Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Speaking Of "Violent Extremism"....

by JASmius

....The malady to which all evil is ascribed by the Obama White House appears to have emerged within the Democrat Party itself:

On the final day of legislative debate over a proposed Right to Work law in Wisconsin, union protesters proved once again they are unable to replicate the massive crowds generated during Wisconsin’s historic 2011 Act 10 debate.

But even as union protesters floundered in their attempts to draw crowds, Media Trackers was able to catch organizers begging for help, and even caught one organizer from the teachers union backed Wisconsin Jobs Now starting a chant claiming Republicans don’t care if workers die. The most shocking moment when former Democratic candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, Mary Jo Walters, leaned over the balcony railing and berated the protesters.

“We don’t need stupid singing angels! We need armed militants!” she shouted across the capitol rotunda.

Walking away, Walters yelled, “Aw! Goddamn, I hate them!” [emphasis added]

Boy, Governor Scott Walker sure brings out the best - and the true nature - out of his opponents, doesn't he?

Will The One now begin purging "violent extremism" out of his own ideological faction?  Of course not, don't be an idiot.  But he, at least, retained enough presence of mind to omit violence from his caustic rhetoric, although there's no doubt that he shares Miss Walters' sentiments:

President Obama took a shot at a "right to work" bill signed into law Monday by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a likely Republican candidate for president.

In a statement, which does not mention Walker by name, Obama said the "anti-worker law in Wisconsin will weaken, rather than strengthen workers in the new economy."

"Even as its governor claims victory over working Americans, I’d encourage him to try and score a victory for working Americans — by taking meaningful action to raise their wages and offer them the security of paid leave," Obama said.

Not violent, but a lot more nonsensical.  As though no "labor" takes place unless unions have their unwanted noses stuck right in the middle of it.  This right-to-work law, as it always does everywhere it's enacted, will enable more people to work, not fewer, by making it less costly for companies to hire additional staff, and thus create more jobs.

It is, in other words, pro-worker precisely because it is anti-union.

You might even say it's Governor Walker's version of "the audacity of hope".

And it's got Democrats now openly calling for domestic terrorism and violent revolution.

That ought to be a helluva plank in Elizabeth Warren's 2016 platform.

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