Sunday, March 15, 2015

Valerie Jarrett Behind Hillary Email Leak

by JASmius

Now why does this not surprise me?  Although, like virtually everybody else in this country, Mr. Klein still inexplicably overestimates Mrs. Clinton's political formidity:

Veteran journalist Ed Klein said on Saturday that the Obama administration "is up to its eyebrows in efforts to stop" Hillary Clinton from running for the White House — including six investigations launched by longtime presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett involving Clinton's years as Secretary of State.

Seems a bit like overkill for somebody who couldn't get elected to a county sewage commission in her own right.  It's probably more like there's such a wealth of scandal materials to work with that they couldn't resist tapping a bunch of them.  Kind of like me going down the line at a smorgasbord.

"This administration, the Obama administration, will do virtually anything to prevent Hillary from becoming president," Klein told renowned economist Larry Kudlow on his WABC radio show. Kudlow is also a Newsmax columnist and works for NBC's business channel, CNBC.

The irony being they don't have to do anything, because she has no chance of even becoming the Democrat nominee.  But it's not like they take chances anyway. And they do hate the Clintons' guts.

"It's their view that if she does become president — like her husband, Bill — she will govern from the left of center and not be a true liberal," Klein said, "and will, therefore, compromise with Republicans like Bill did when he was in office, and will undo a lot of the Obama legacy.

Ed, even they don't believe that, so why are you even positing it?

"They are determined to stop her — and, of course, it's not going to be easy," he said.

Of course it will.  Which is yet another reason why Elizabeth Warren will head the Donk ticket next year, and Barack Obama will be ready to step in with a decreed third term when it looks like the White House will fall to Governor Walker.

Sorry to preempt the entire 2016 cycle for y'all, but I'm not as patient as I used to be, even though these days I have all the time in the world.  Not sure what the connection between the two is, except perhaps the aggravating persistence of the mythical "Hillary Mystique".

Hey, don't laugh.  If she tried this version, she might actually have a chance of winning.

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