Here we go again.
The difference in this instance is that the cops were evidently incompetent at the very least:
Freddie Gray did not get timely medical care after he was arrested and was not buckled into a seat belt while being transported in a police van, Baltimore police said Friday.
Police Commissioner Anthony Batts told reporters there are no excuses for the fact that Gray was not buckled in as he was transported to a police station.
Five days after Gray's death and amid ongoing protests, police officials acknowledged mistakes were made during and after his arrest.
Gray, who was stopped April 12th after a foot pursuit through several housing complexes, should have received medical attention at the scene of his arrest, said Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis. A witness said the man was yelling and indicated he was having difficulty breathing.
Batts told reporters in an afternoon news conference: "We know our police employees failed to get him medical attention in a timely manner multiple times."
Investigators are trying to learn more about Gray's condition at each of the three stops the van made on its way to a police station....
The developments came two days after a police union attorney spoke of the possibility that the injuries occurred during a "rough ride," a frequently claimed practice in which police vehicles are deliberately driven in a way that injures suspects.
At least two suspects have won court cases against the city after being left paralyzed in such rides over the last decade or so, The Baltimore Sun reported Thursday.
Gray died Sunday, one week after Baltimore police arrested him.
The CNN story doesn't say what caused Gray's original physical distress. But it does, reasonably, raise the question of whether the Baltimore PD didn't take his pleas for medical attention seriously, or whether they did and deliberately ignored them. Less conjectural is the fact that they threw him into the back of a paddy wagon and didn't buckle and secure his seat belt. That is criminal negligence at minimum, and the "rough ride" gambit - which does apparently have a baseline of evidence to it - suggests there may be more to it than that.
Of course, one can also reasonably ask the question of what the law enforcement personnel in question were thinking treating Mr. Gray like a pinball in the post-Ferguson era. Nothing could possibly come from such carelessness or calculated cruelty except insurrectionary retaliation that injured and damaged innocent Baltimore residents. And so it was, as well over a thousand Black Klansmen looted and torched stores and restaurants (including African-American-owned businesses, natch), mugged and assaulted and raped white people, and the fans in attendance (plus both teams and the media) at an Orioles game, were literally held hostage (see pic above).

As one fan tweeted, "When you endanger hundreds of people like #CamdenYards that’s not a demonstration, that is terrorism."
Indeed, it is. The "protestors" don't give a rat's ass about Freddie Gray. In fact, I would suggest to you that they're glad that Gray was mistreated and died in police custody, and they want to see ever more of it across the country as fuel for Barack Obama's long-sought coast-to-coast race war. The fact that they had over a thousand storm troopers on hot standby discloses this pretty clearly.
The irony is that some sort of justice will be done - eventually. But the criminal justice system isn't a steel trap that slams shut instantly; investigations take time, and time is what the Black Klan will never tolerate or allow, because it impedes their insurrectionary mission.
They don't want justice, in other words; they want revolution. And they want it in as violent and racist a way as subhumanly possible.
UPDATE: Baltimore police officers have been marked for death:
Baltimore police are warning that there is a “credible threat” to “take-out” law enforcement officers, according a press release from the Baltimore Police Department.
“The Baltimore Police Department / Criminal Intelligence Unit has received credible information that members of various gangs including the Black Guerilla Family, Blood, and Crips have entered into a partnership to ‘take-out’ law enforcement officers,” the warning reads.
“This is a credible threat. Law enforcement agencies should take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of their officers. Notification will be sent via NLETS. Further informationw ill be sent through appropriate channels.
“Media is requested to distribute this information to the public and law enforcement nationwide.”
This isn't about "justice" and these aren't "protests"; it's about revenge and violent revolution. Period.
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