Or "Zachary Reed is an Uncle Tom and a dead man":
During the past few days, I’ve heard from a number of people — both black and white — who are concerned that a racial version of the knockout game (sometimes called “polar bear hunting”) was played in downtown Cleveland at the conclusion of last month’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.
At least six white adults were attacked near Public Square without provocation by roaming bands of young African-Americans described as juveniles. One of the victims, a 23-year-old man from Akron, woke up in an ambulance after being ambushed....
But at least one Cleveland councilman, Zack Reed, is convinced that possible racial animus must be part of the police investigation. His take on the St. Patrick’s Day beatings is simple and, frankly, refreshing. He’s calling them hate crimes.
“[Public Square] is ground zero on St. Patrick’s Day for blacks to go beat up whites,” Reed said in an interview with the Northeast Ohio Media Group. “I believe this is a hate crime because it is black folks purposefully going downtown to beat up white folks.”
Reed added in an interview with WKYC, the local NBC affiliate: “When you go out into the streets of Cleveland to do harm to individuals based on their nationality, their gender or religion, I think those are hate crimes and I think what happened on Public Square was clearly a hate crime.”
No, Councillor Reed, it was "social justice". Being that you yourself are "African-American," you're suppose to know and parrot that Obamunist party line. Indeed, you're supposed to be beating up white folks yourself. It's your racial duty, after all. How else are "white folks" going to be enslaved by "black folks" for the next several centuries in retaliation for the white-on-black slavery (which was a tiny subset of black-on-black and Muslim-on-everybody slavery dating back thousands of years, but I digress) of centuries past?
Instead, Councillor Reed is not "getting with the program" and has given public utterance to the truth that is never to be spoken. And he can, quite literally, expect to pay for this "racial betrayal" with his life.
As to whatever good his courageous statement of the blindingly obvious might wind up doing, that ain't much:
Now city officials are promising next St. Patrick’s Day will be different. Downtown will be safe from roving bands of black people looking for soft, white and Asian targets.But some locals are wondering what the city is going to do about the other 364 days in the year, when black mob violence and black on white crime is just as frequent.
Even one day of "social justice" denial is too many - right Barry, Eric, and Al?
Exit thought: Should make for an entertaining Republican National Convention next summer, huh?
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