Who will win? I honestly don't know:
Orlando [Florida] police said a thirty-two-year-old man who was attacked last month by two teenage brothers and several others was targeted because he's gay.
The victim, who doesn't want to be identified, said he was jumped by about ten people on Bentley Street and now fears for his and his family's safety.
He believes the beat-down stemmed from a fight at the Callahan Community Center, in Parramore, and that the group was looking to settle the score with anyone in the neighborhood who happened to be gay.
Orlando police released cellphone video Friday afternoon that shows the beating.
The video shows the mob of teens ambushing the victim while screaming statements about his sexual orientation. He's seen on the ground being punched and slammed with chairs before managing to break away.
After a week of investigating, detectives determined brothers Deandre and Dennis Florence are two of the people in the video. The 14- and 16-year-olds were arrested on a host of charges, including a hate crime charge.
I can't tell from this video if the victim is white or black or some other ethnicity. But that group identity is all that matters. If he's black - or non-black but also non-white - then the equation defaults to a "homophobic" hate crime and this is a non-story. But if the victim is white, that opens up whole warehouses full of cans of worms, because in that case, who is the victim and who are the victimizers? Are Messrs. Florence and their gang "violent homophobes," or are they avenging angels of "social justice" visiting the righteous wrath of the "black community" upon a "white devil" who "had it coming," whatever his "sexual orientation"?
In short, which group has greater clout in the leftwingnut groupthink pantheon: the Black Klan or militant sodomites?
That's hard to say. By the Left's own dialectic, the (more) villainous group in any confrontation is the one with the greater power, and that would point the finger of shame at the fudgepackers. Just ask Kenneth Lombardi (who, before you ask, is white and "bisexual"):

A handsome former video producer at CBS is suing for sexual harassment, saying he was repeatedly drunkenly groped and kissed by powerful men at the network — including the director for the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley.
“I have symptoms of PTSD from this,” said Kenneth Lombardi, who quit his job in November, to the Post on Thursday, comparing CBS to “the Catholic Church or Penn State” for allegedly sweeping his complaints under a carpet.
Bizarrely surreal, isn't it? A bisexual white man being sexually assaulted (or so he alleges) by powerful homosexual (or bisexual, like there's a practical difference) white men. What, they couldn't find a Tea Partier to anally rape with a floor lamp? It's like waking up to find somebody glued your eyeball to a keyhole into a perverted Bizarro World dimension where all the decent, normal inhabitants have either fled or been wiped out and the predators have fallen upon one another.
If Mr. Lombardi had been a black bisexual man, this would have been a blockbuster two-fer - and if he'd been a black bisexual tranny, the ultimate trifecta. But he's neither, so this will be a non-story, and he will most likely "disappear" in the not-to-distant future for the effrontery of public objecting to the following (among other things):
Last March, Lombardi prepared a ten-minute video reel with excerpts of his best celebrity interviews, and asked the twice-his-age Colley for feedback. Colley suggested they meet at a gay bar, Hardware, in Hell’s Kitchen, to discuss.
Which should have been the first red flag.
There, a drunken Colley made it clear he had actually little interest in the younger man’s reel, the suit says.
Which should have ended the conversation right then and there.
The conversation quickly turned X-rated. Grilled by Colley about his orientation, Lombardi reluctantly revealed he was bisexual.
Which ought to have been none of Colley's business, but does indicate just how bullet-proof he thinks he is and the degree of carte blanche he believes he, as a powerful queer, has to "aggressively recruit". Which, "officially" speaking, no homosexual EVER does or is even capable of, but in reality we all know is that "orientation's" SOP:
“Colley told [Lombardi] that he did not really believe being ‘bisexual’ was real and told Plaintiff that he was actually completely gay,” the suit says. [emphasis added]
It's a wonder Colley didn't whip out a ring, get on bent knee, and "propose" right there, seeing as how that's forcibly legal everywhere anymore. Then the newly engaged "couple" could have hunted around for a Christian florist and photographer and bakery to put out of business and in jail, assuming there are any Christians still living in New York. But we can guess pretty confidently that they wouldn't have "honeymooned" in Orlando, Florida.
The evening devolved from there, with Colley allegedly urging drinks on the younger man while rubbing his thigh, texting him porn site links and asking what he thought about when he watched porn videos, the suit says.
He only rubbed his thigh? Pussy.
“He was sending me porn on my phone while he was talking about my career,” Lombardi said in a phone interview.
“I just turned twenty eight at time, Chip was in his mid- to late fifties, had been in the business for at least thirty years — he’s heavily connected — and he was running Scott Pelley's news show,” Lombardi said. “I was terrified.”
Think of that the next time you tune in The CBS Evening News, folks. Or NBCCCP Nightly News or ABCCCP's World News Tonight, etc., etc. etc. for that matter.
So again I ask, who are the victims here? The harassed hapless "half-gay" naif Ken Lombardi? The anonymous Orlando homosexual who got the semen pounded out of him? The African-Americans Deandre and Dennis Florence? Or all of us for having to be continually subjected to this brain-warping nonsense day-in and day-out?
You know what I think? Chip Colley put the Florence brothers up to their assault because their victim wouldn't put out for him, and he pursued Mr. Lombardi on the rebound. Didn't think I'd be able to tie together this maelstrom of foolishness, didja?
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