It's all in one's attitude - and 22-year-old Army National Guardsman Will Stack has the right one:
People need to understand that not all officers are crooked, not all officers are racist bad people and not all people who get shot or tased or arrested by officers doesn't mean you’re a victim… Just because you’re black doesn't mean you’re a victim, just because you’re white doesn't mean you’re a racist. Just because you’re a cop doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, this world really need to stop putting labels on people and things and see them as who they are. People, doing jobs. Doing things. Ignorance has no color. God doesn't see color. Why should we?
The point of this is to say that I am an African-American male, this gentleman was Caucasian. There were no problems. He did his job, I did what I was supposed to do, and that was it.
Mr. Stack sounds almost....MLK-esque, doesn't he?
That should settle the question of "race" for all time. The tragedy is that it never will, because too many Black Klansman derive too much filthy lucre and political power from it.
You know the type....
Marshawn Lynch wept.
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