If this isn't an upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live, it damn well ought to be:
In the face of much incoming fire, Brian Williams couldn't muster up the admission to his bosses that he lied about being shot down by RPG fire in an Iraqi helicopter, Vanity Fair reported.
“He couldn’t explain what had happened. [He said,] ‘Did something happen to [my] head? Maybe I had a brain tumor, or something in my head?” the magazine reports Williams said right before he made what critics called a half-hearted apology on air.
Williams had apparently also gone rogue on NBC News’ PR department, who thought he would be talking to Stars & Stripes — the military outlet that broke the Iraqi helicopter story — off the record to see what they’d be writing: instead, he went on the record to admit he had been stretching the truth for years. [emphasis added]
You know who had a brain tumor? Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA). He died of it. People who suffer brain tumors more often than not die from them. And it may be going out on a limb, but I would guess that the families of brain tumor victims will not be amused at Lyin' Brian's latest fibrication. In fact, maybe Mr. Williams could actually contract a brain tumor and do them the honor of dying from it. At least that way he would know what he was talking about.
You know the old saying: Be careful what you lie about; it just might come true.
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