Saturday, April 04, 2015

Constitution Association: The Homosexual Agenda

Douglas V. Gibbs

The Constitution Association welcomes Joe Dallas as our speaker, Saturday, April 4, 2015, to discuss the behavior of homosexuality and the militant tactics being used to force the homosexual agenda upon America. Check-in 5:00 pm, meeting begins at 5:30, at Merna's Cafe (Formerly Boston Billies) 26850 Cherry Hills Blvd., Menifee, CA 92584
You Are Invited, April 4, 2015 to a very important event!
In Colorado a bakery owned by Christians has been closed, out of business forever, and the couple that owned the bakery have filed bankruptcy. The store was targeted by the homosexual agenda, and when they refused to bake a gay marriage cake, the homosexual couple filed a lawsuit and won. However, when Theodore Shoebat targeted gay bakeries, and asked for anti-homosexual cakes to be baked, he was refused service, cussed out, and told that any lawsuit would be laughable. A double-standard exists in America when it comes to issues embraced by statism, and the homosexual agenda is using that double-standard to their full advantage.

Any group that uses the force of law to compel their opposition to comply with their demands, demanding submission to their "belief system" regarding a behavioral lifestyle, it is tyranny. In the United States, despite the majority of Americans voting into law traditional marriage, and despite legislatures passing laws trying to protect Christians against attacks by the homosexual militants (as we've seen recently in Indiana), activist homosexual groups have attacked these attempts with impunity, and activist courts are overturning local legislation and are demanding that the country complies with the demands of homosexuality, or be targeted and destroyed in the process.

The question of homosexuality hinges on one question. Are homosexuals born that way and unable to change who they are, or is the behavior one that is influenced by a great number of factors, many of which may be environmental, and as a result is a lifestyle that can be changed? Joe Dallas is a former homosexual, and says that change is possible.

Dale, one of the members of our Constitution Association, has assisted me in inviting Joe Dallas to be our speaker at this Saturday's Constitution Association Meeting. No matter where you stand on the issue, it is important to be educated on the issue of homosexuality, and Joe Dallas will provide information you may not be aware of regarding the rise of the homosexual agenda in America.

Dale wrote the following:

A recent article from Pew Research entitled "Americans are still divided on why people are gay" March 6, 2015 stated this, "The percentage of all Americans who believe that people are born gay or lesbian has roughly doubled (from 20% to 41%) since 1985, when the question was asked in a Los Angeles Times survey."

I am surprised to find that many folks don't know that there are ex-gays let alone have ever met someone who was once gay but who now identifies as straight.

There are ex-gays and it is not a hate message to say so. In fact, saying so is a message of hope because, for some, their same-sex attractions are unwanted but they honestly don't know how to overcome these attractions.

I have met several individuals who at one time identified as homosexual but who now identify as straight. One of those is Joe Dallas. He is scheduled to be the next speaker at the Constitution Association meeting in Menifee/Sun City which is led each month by author, speaker, Constitution teacher and radio talk show host Douglas V. Gibbs.

Joe Dallas, an author, public speaker and counselor is, in my opinion, the most dynamic speaker in the United States on the subject of homosexuality and "Is Change Possible." I say that not because of his exciting presentation, although he is a great speaker; rather, because of his depth of knowledge on this subject, having lived both sides, and because of the compassionate way in which he speaks on this subject from a Christian perspective.

I would like to personally invite you to this meeting. It is an early evening dinner meeting with food being ordered from the menu.

Subject: Is the Gay Agenda a National Threat?

Speaker: Joe Dallas - former homosexual, author, public speaker and counselor

When: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Saturday, April 4th, 2015

Where: Merna's Cafe (formerly Boston Billie's) 26850 Cherry Hill's Blvd. Menifee, CA 92584 - In the banquet room

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