Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ali Khameini: Iran Will Permit No Inspections, Period

by JASmius

Do you ever get the feeling that these endless nuclear negotiations between the P5+1 and the Iranian mullahgarchy are taking place in two completely separate and unentangled quantum realities?

Here's the Supreme Leader on inspections:

Iran’s supreme leader on Wednesday ruled out allowing international inspectors to interview Iranian nuclear scientists as part of any potential deal on its nuclear program, and reiterated that the country would not allow the inspection of military sites.

In a graduation speech at the Imam Hussein Military University in Tehran, the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, widely believed to have the final say on whether Iran accepts a deal if one is reached next month, denounced what he said were escalating demands by the United States and five other world powers as they accelerate the pace of the negotiations with Iran.

“They say new things in the negotiations,” Ayatollah Khamenei told the military graduates. “Regarding inspections, we have said that we will not let foreigners inspect any military center.”

Translation: No inspections.  Anywhere.  EVER.  "Trust, but...well, trust".  And we know precisely what we can trust the mullahs to do, now don't we?

Meanwhile, in Bizarro World, here's Commissar of State John Kerry:

“There is a stark comparison between the direction in which [Kim jong-Un] is moving and the direction in which Iran has chosen to move, at least to this moment. And our hopes are that if we can, at the end of June, succeed in achieving an agreement with Iran, perhaps that can serve as an example to North Korea about a better way to move, a better way to try to behave, a more legitimate entry road to the global community and to the norms of international behavior.” [emphasis added]

Seems to me like Kim and Khamenei are moving the same direction, in lockstep, arm-in-arm, with dreams of accepting Barack Obama's unconditional surrender in the Oval Office itself dancing in their heads.  Of course, they'd have to jostle for position with Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, but I'm sure they could manage.

Whether wittingly or unwittingly, the Obamunists have a collective death wish.

Frightened yet?  If not, you haven't been paying attention.

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