I wasn't kidding earlier this morning when I reported that Barack Obama has decided he doesn't need a "civilian national security force" when the U.S. military can execute a declaration of martial law just fine, Posse Comitatus Act or no Posse Comitatus Act.
Is that what Operational Jade Helm is going to be? Maybe, maybe not - yet. But it sure as hell looks, at the least, like a dry run for the real thing, judging by the following report:
"It is....an operation to train federal military on how to confront domestic civil uprisings here in the United States"...."Marines in a mock containment camp [for American civilians] in the middle of the day in a park right in the center of [Yuma, Arizona]"...."Clearly this is a training scenario aimed at preparing Marines for conflicts on American soil with American citizens. Americans behind fences demanding food and water, saying they have rights and trying to escape".
Figure in the designated area for this "training exercise" - the American southwest in general and "red" States and enclaves in particular, described in the operation as "hostile areas"....it's just difficult to see what other purpose there could be for this exercise than an Obama coup de tat, as I've pointed out repeatedly the dubious training value of U.S. soldiers "infiltrating" American communities as a mode of practicing the infiltration of enemy countries. And we know all too well that The One considers America's enemies to be his friends and his political and ideological opposition - Republicans, conservatives, constitutionalists, evangelical Christians - to be the "real enemy".
The most optimistic explanation of which I can conceive is that the idea of Operation Jade Helm is to provoke the "Bible-thumpin', gun-totin', bitter-clingers" into rising up, Ferguson/Baltimore style, as an excuse to turn this dry run into the real thing. And when no "rightwing rebellion" materializes?
That's a very good question.
Exit question: At what point will O double-cross the Black Klan and turn the U.S. military loose where there are actual uprisings going on? Or will the idea be that with big "blue" cities burning, "red" areas will need to be taken into "protective custody"?
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