Okay, Richard Fletcher was only sixty-one, and looked - past tense - to be in pretty good shape for a geezer.
Antoine Willie Lawson....
....and his fellow pack mates took it upon themselves to age him at least twenty years in as many minutes, if not murder him outright:
Baltimore County police said officers were called just before 1 p.m. Wednesday to the 500 block of 45th Street in Dundalk, where a 61-year-old [white] man noticed two [black] girls fighting near his truck. He went outside to break up the fight and then was attacked by a large group of [black] juveniles who were watching. ……
Joe Lamb, who owns a business next door to the victim’s home, caught the whole act on his surveillance camera.
While he couldn't give 11 News permission to show the video because police asked him not to, he did share a still photo that shows a bunch of juveniles rushing the scene.
“He had to get blood transfusion, (had) blood on his brain, stitches (on his) face and nose and broken ribs,” Lamb said.
The victim was in critical condition in a medically induced coma Friday, but 11 News learned Monday that he has been released from the hospital.
“The kids walk on top of cars, kick dogs, let dogs out, throw trash, steal milk from school and throw it at houses, threaten neighbors with bodily harm,” Lamb said.
"Model citizens," in other words. And really, there are no other words allowed. You can't even use the word "thug" anymore, since that's now been designated as yet another "racist codeword". So it's "model citizen," or "unarmed black youth" or "underprivileged tyke". To accurate describe these rabid animals is "racist," and renders you even more guilty and deserving of Mr. Fletcher's fate.
This is what we're to understand: Black youths are entitled to fight anywhere they want, and white people have no say about it. If they'd decided to scuffle in Mr. Fletcher's living room, they'd have been entitled to do so, trash his house, bleed all over the carpet if it struck their fancy, and Mr. Fletcher obligated to watch it all, and maybe get the crap beaten out of him anyway if the black youths felt like it. Because they're black and he's white, which means they are entitled to do and say anything they want, the law be damned, and he's deserving of anything and everything they choose to do to him. Indeed, the "official" line is that Mr. Lawson and is "colleagues" demonstrated their generous mercy by letting Mr. Fletcher live. Something they won't do next time after they're acquitted of aggravated assault charges and released. After all, if they can't off the cops who "racistly" arrested them, some crackers will have to pay the price, and really, any white person will do. And they already know where Mr. Fletcher lives, after all.
And when they massacre him horribly, will there be anything like the raging, violent, insurrectionary mania that erupted about Michel Brown or Eric Garner or Freddie Gray? No, there will not, because Mr. Fletcher will have deserved to die in agony, and his entire family with him, and his murderers will deserve to be treated like avenging heroes, because, slavery and "social justice".
The only ones who would have mourned Richard Fletcher, in other words, will be dead right alongside him.
This is race war forced upon a politically disfavored "ethnic persuasion" by a politically favored "ethnic persuasion". And if the next Richard Fletcher decides to break up the fight using his truck rather than expose himself to attempted murder? Do I even have to ask that question?
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