Et tu, Fox News?
Yesterday I saw a post at Mediaite comparing this to an Abbott & Costello routine, forgot about it, then thought of it instantly when I got around to watching the clip this morning. It’s thisclose to “Who’s on first?” And it’s a rare case of Rubio, one of the nimblest interviewees in the GOP, digging in on a lame answer. They spend three minutes here essentially debating what the meaning of “is” is. Was Iraq a mistake, asks Wallace? Iraq was not a mistake based on the intelligence Bush43 had, counters Rubio. Right, says Wallace, but I’m asking whether Iraq was a mistake in hindsight. Has it proved to be a mistake? It wasn’t a mistake when Bush ordered the invasion, replies Rubio. Right right right, I get that, says Wallace. But what about now? After everything that’s happened over the past twelve years, is it safe to say it was a mistake to have undertaken this nation-building project? It wasn’t a mistake given the WMD data that Bush had, says Rubio. Third base!
I suppose the Abbott & Costello analogy works for this latest tiresome pacifistic liturgy. What makes it extra disappointing is that it was Chris Wallace who wouldn't let go of that same stupid, dumbass question, although that was balanced by Senator Rubio retrenching from his earlier rote "anti-war" parroting and replying to that question with the answer every Republican should be giving it.
When POTUS's get crystal balls or time machines to allow them to peek into the future and evaluate the consequences of each national security decision option, like Griffin the Archanan....

....I'm sure each and every last one of them will make ample and grateful use of it. In the mean time, commanders-in-chief have to make their decisions in the present, and that is the only fair and rational way to judge them - past, present, AND future.
Right, Chris?
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