Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Fauxcahontas Rising

by JASmius

Aside from the markedly less witty and irreverent (or, if you prefer, far more sedate and ponderously boring) style, this Ed Morrissey lede could have come clackety-clacking out of my own fingertips:

There is no doubt that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been tarnished by the scandalous revelations regarding her tenure at the State Department that have dominated the headlines in recent weeks. While she remains a....candidate ahead of 2016, some have begun to question whether she can remain the prohibitive favorite to succeed Barack Obama when a Republican challenger attains her level of name recognition. In public, Democrats may feign bravado about Clinton’s inevitability. In private, though, many would probably concede that they are nervous about what the future might hold for Clinton 2016.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Captain Ed is on his way (isn't here yet, but he's slowly coming) to join the burgeoning population of "It Ain't Gonna Be Hillary" Island.

And Senator Elizabeth Warren has taken another step towards being the latest Nutroot champion who submarines the old harridan:

In an hourlong meeting with her staff and a thirty-minute meeting with Warren, the group of about a half-dozen top [communist] [extrem]ists — including three who were active in the “Draft Warren” movement — did not discuss the draft campaign. Instead, the conversation focused on issues of social and racial justice. They highlighted specific issues the senator can use to influence the presidential debate in 2016 and, they hope, push Hillary Clinton to the left on issues including police brutality, immigration reform, the privatization of prisons, and reducing naturalization fees to promote naturalization, among other issues.

The meeting’s purpose was to see “how Elizabeth Warren, with her platform, could work with us to move a [communist] vision for the country and really engage with communities of color,” said Jonathan Westin, director of New York Communities for Change, who attended. “That goes hand in hand with what she’s already doing.” Warren is addressing problems that are “part and parcel of what we believe is wrong with this country,” he said.

If they didn't discuss the "draft Warren" campaign, it's because her eventual candidacy is already a given and they were mapping strategy against Mrs. Clinton, who is so hopelessly inauthentic and phony that she can't convincingly tout anything.  She's the Democrat Mitt Romney.  The Donk base knows this, which is why they will inevitably abandon the Empress for somebody they know is genuinely and passionately with them, doesn't bear the stigmata of endless scandal, the Wall Street "taint" they hate so much, and possesses the political skillset equivalent of Rosie O'Donnell auditioning to be a Victoria's Secret model.

The reality no commie-lib would ever admit is that if there is a 2016 election, it's going to be an uphill climb for the Dems to retain the White House after a decade of foreign calamities and economic depression and race wars and political despotism and national decline and upheaval.  The truth is that (presuming the GOP takes a break from being The Stupid Party and nominates Scott Walker) neither Hillary Clinton nor Elizabeth Warren could win eighteen months from now.

But the Left has never forgotten how in 2004 they followed their heads and went with John Kerry instead of their hearts and Howard Dean.  And Kerry lost.  Four years later they went with their hearts and Barack Obama, and he won.  The parallel to Hillary-Fauxcahontas is unmistakable.

Or else the leftwingnutters will back Barack Obama's coup de tat.  Either way, it ain't gonna be Hillary.

Right, Ed?

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