Monday, May 04, 2015

Note To Rick Santorum: Gender Is Immutable

by JASmius

Ben Carson is jumping into the 2016 Republican presidential race today, for some unfathomable reason.  As is Carly Fiorina, who couldn't unseat Barbara Boxer five years ago, but whatever.  Huckles is making his entrance tomorrow.  They join Senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio in the "couldn't win the GOP nomination in a century of Sundays" stable.  At least New Jersey Governor Chris Christie acknowledges how, um, big a longshot his candidacy is.

You know who else is shortly going to be tilting at that same windmill?  Ex-Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum (again).  Know why I think so?  His comments on Bruce Jenner:

Rick Santorum, who has become known over the years for his conservative views on homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and other social issues, says he believes Bruce Jenner deserves respect, and he believes Jenner's belief about being a woman.

"If he says he's a woman, then he's a woman," the former Pennsylvania Republican senator told BuzzFeed during a roundtable discussion during the South Carolina Republican Party convention on Saturday.

Santorum said he will criticize people for their behavior, but not about who they are personally.

"My responsibility as a human being is to love and accept everybody, not to criticize people for who they are," Santorum said. "As far as for who they are, you have to respect everybody, and these are obviously complex issues for businesses, for society, and I think we have to look at it in a way that is compassionate and respectful of everybody.”

Hey, socons who flocked after Santorum in 2012 because Rev'rund Huck chose not to run: Are you still proud of your guy?  Or are you relieved that Huck is running this time around, although that's primarily away from the issues you most care about?  Gosh, it must be a lonely time for you people.  And keep in mind that I have a foot in your camp, which is part and parcel of why I'm composing this post.

I have to conclude that Santorum is running because he's spouting pandering nonsense.  If Bruce Jenner had announced that he has converted to homosexuality, I would grieve for his soul and pray for his salvation to be delivered from that satanic deception, but that would be Mr. Jenner's decision to make.  I wouldn't respect that choice, but I would respect his right to make it.  But we're not talking about sexual orientation; we're talking about a toxic mix of sexual self-mutilation and biological delusion.  Bruce Jenner may wish he was a woman, he may wish he'd been born with an x-chromosome instead of a y-, but unless he can have a female clone of himself created and somehow transfer his soul into it - and I'm pretty sure the technology to do that is centuries if not millennia in advance of the current state of art - then Bruce Jenner is not, and will never be, a "woman".  He can grow his hair long, he can mess himself up with hormone "therapies," he can have himself castrated and gully furrowed in its place, he can raise the stock price of Maybelline, but he will remain a man, because it is an immutable genetic fact.

You know what I wish?  I wish I had Wolverine's self-healing ability and Magneto's metal-bending talents.  Who wouldn't want to not need the Obama healthcare system and be able to fly?  Oh, and let's not leave out Sue Storm's invisibility, or Quicksilver's super speed, or Professor Xavier's telepathy.  But am I calling a press conference to announce that I actually have any or all of these super-cool abilities?  No, I am not, for the same reason that I wouldn't demand that all of you accept my ludicrous assertion.  Just because I want these powers so much that I convinced myself I actually had them would create no moral obligation upon anybody else to indulge my fantasy.  It would most likely get me dismissed as a loony tune.

So how is Mr. Jenner's delusion any different?  Because sexual perversion and dysfunction is politically ascendant.  And that's why the one-time socon darling from 2012 is bowing the knee to it.

Which is why both Huckabee and Santorum will crash and burn even before any of the others.  Catholics and evangelicals were really their only supporters in '08 and '12, respectively.  Now that both are taking those supporters for granted at best, and betraying them at worst, who'll they have left to prop up the delusion of their respective candidacies?

You know, of course, where socons will flock now, of course....

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