Friday, May 01, 2015

Obama White House Tries To Suppress Fears About Operation Jade Helm

by JASmius

We helped break this story over a month ago, and it looks like it's gotten some pretty muscular legs judging by the Obama Regime's suddenly frantic attempts to pooh-pooh its most obvious features:

The White House is trying to reassure the public and the governor of Texas that a special U.S. military training operation in the Southwest will not pose a threat to residents amid speculation that it could amount to a federal takeover.

"In no way will the constitutional rights or civil liberties of any American citizen be infringed upon while this exercise is being conducted," said White House press secretary Josh Earnest, according to the Washington Times. [emphasis added]

Note the qualification.  Nobody has really expressed fears and anxieties about the abrogation of constitutional rights and civil liberties from Operation Jade Helm itself; what We, The People find suspicious and "concerning" is that for which it sure as shinola looks like a preparatory dress rehearsal: the near-future imposition of martial law in large parts, or perhaps the entirety, of the United States as part of Barack Obama's presidency-for-life-clinching coup de tat in advance of the 2016 election that may never be allowed to take place.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot has certainly noticed, and isn't sitting back dociley and waiting to be taken into federal custody:

[C]ritics and conspiracy theorists have cited a range of concerns, prompting Texas Governor Greg Abbott to order the Texas State Guard to monitor the operation.

In a letter to Major-General Gerald Betty of the Texas State Guard, Abbott said he was taking the action "to address concerns of Texas citizens," according to the Times.

"During the training operation, it is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed," the governor wrote. "I am directing the Texas State Guard to monitor Operation Jade Helm 15."

O's Pentagon yes-men continue to try to claim that infiltrating American towns and communities commando-style as if they were enemy territory is "routine" and "valuable in preparing soldiers for real missions.  But as I pointed out five weeks ago:

How does it enhance special ops training in foreign lands to attempt to infiltrate one's own country? Shouldn't the latter be vastly easier than the former? Don't they already know the language, the pop culture, the local "slang", etc.? Hell's teeth, I myself would stand an at least decent chance of "infiltrating" the American southwest, it seems to me. The only way in which Rangers and SEALs and Delta Force guys could blow their "cover" is if they caused the locals to wonder what in the world they're doing...well, "infiltrating" their own country.

Locals such as Bob Wells:

"It's the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany," Bob Wells of Bastrop, Texas, told the Austin American-Statesman, according to the Times.

"You get the people used to the troops on the street, the appearance of uniformed troops and the militarization of the police. They're gathering intelligence. That's what they're doing. And they're moving logistics in place for martial law. That's my feeling. Now I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong. I hope I'm a 'conspiracy theorist.' "

I hope so, too, Bob.  But the logic of conspiracies dictates that the more unlikely and inconceivable a conspiracy appears to be, the more likely and inevitable it really is.

And this one is taking place right out in the open, for We, The People to ignore at our peril.

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