Monday, May 04, 2015


by JASmius

Another "healthy" Michelle Obama school lunch, ladies and gentlemen.  And no, I wouldn't know what that object was either if I hadn't read the linked story.  But look on the bright side: This'll do wonders to cure childhood obesity:

Think you’ve seen the worst of awful school lunches? Think again.

Several students and parents shared photos of their recent disgusting cafeteria lunch at West Virginia’s Philippi Middle School.

They featured a severely burned burritos covered in melted plastic.

“They were eating plastic and the chemicals that melted with the plastic, that’s not good,” says Sherie Bolton, a grandparent of a Philippi student.

“I think this was something they weren’t used to making so they just burned them and rather then choosing to throw them away and remaking something else, because of what was on the menu that day, they served them.”

The whole thing has administrators apologizing and saying cafeteria employees will receive “training.”

Mmmm, scorched chemical-addled burritos....

If you're hoping your kids can take refuge in a "healthy" desert, I hope you don't live in Indiana:

Meanwhile, an Indiana school district is warning that apple slices “packaged in accordance with federal, school food service guidelines” may make children violently ill — or may even kill them.

Wa-Nee schools announced Friday it had received a notice the night before announcing a product recall from Sun Rich Fresh Foods, Inc.

“That notice warned that the packaged apple slices may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, an infectious organism that can cause serious, sometimes fatal, illness in young children,” according to the school district’s warning.

They’re asking any children who may have brought the packaged apple slices home to bring them back to the school “as soon as possible.”

Pardon me a moment....

<gasp> Oh, that's <cough> much better.

Suffice it to say that if school lunches were sex, Scheherezade could - and would, by any means necessary - screw up a wet dream.

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