Wednesday, May 13, 2015

West Virginia School District Sued For Arresting & Suspending Middle School Student For Wearing NRA T-Shirt

by JASmius

Good hunting, Mrs. Lardieri.

And yes, the pun was intended:

Tanya Lardieri filed the lawsuit on behalf of her son, Jared Marcum, who was charged with disrupting the educational process and obstructing an officer in 2013 when he refused to turn his NRA t-shirt inside-out, the Charleston Gazette reports.

Those charges were later dismissed by a judge, but Marcum was forced to serve a one day suspension for his defiance....

“Lardieri claims while waiting in the lunch line in the school’s cafeteria (on April 18th, 2013), Marcum was physically stopped by (school secretary Anita Gore), who placed her hand on Marcum's chest, stopping him from proceeding further, and advised him that his shirt violated school dress code and instructed him to turn the shirt inside our or face suspension from school,” the Banner reports.

Gore enlisted the help of teacher David Burroway, who agreed the shirt violated the dress code and hauled him to the principal’s office by his arm, according to the lawsuit.

The teen was later charged with obstruction of justice because an officer asked him to stop talking, and he continued, the Logan Banner reports.

“When the police came, I was still talking and telling them that this was wrong, that they cannot do this, it’s not against any school policy. The officer, he told me to sit down and be quiet. I said, ‘No, I’m exercising my right to free speech.’ I said it calmly,” Marcum told the Associated Press in 2013. [emphasis added]

Young Mr. Marcum learned a dismal lesson that day: That if you dare to assert your constitutional rights in any fashion to which the leftwingnut ruling elite objects, they will quickly remind you that you have no constitutional rights and will be severely punished for your "defiance" and dissent.  The latter of which ceased to be "the height of patriotism" on January 20th, 2009.

This is also why local school districts that pull extremist stunts like this usually walk them back and pretend to apologize until the publicitous furor blows over instead of doubling down on them.

Which, in turn, tells me that the Lardieri-Marcums way-lowballed their cumulative damage demands (less than half a million dollars).  If I were they, I would leave nothing left of the Logan School District but a smoking fiscal crater.  After all, doesn't one of these educratic outrages need to be made an example of for their fellow-travelers never to emulate ever again?

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