Monday, June 15, 2015

Black is a Political Identity?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, Dr. Martin Luther King's famous words regarding the strength of character versus the color of someone's skin went out the window.  95% of the Black Community voted for Obama, and though we don't know all of their reasons, based on polls and surveys the vast majority did so specifically because he's black. . . well, half black.  Since the Obama presidency left the dock, we've seen more racial division in this nation than we've seen in a very long time.  Riots and "Kill Whitey" rhetoric has emerged.  Black conservatives have been disowned for their political affiliation, and have essentially been called "white." Rachel Dolezal, the president of the Spokane, Washington, chapter of the NAACP, has maintained for years that she is black, even though she was born white.

Well, if Bruce Jenner can turn into Caitlyn, and Michael Jackson can become whatever he became. . .

The message is that skin color has now become a political identity.  All whites are racist, and all blacks are down-trodden and deserve special treatment by government.  Conservatives, regardless of color, are white, and therefore racist.  All liberal left progressive Democrats are down for the cause, and can consider themselves black because of their political affiliation.

Does that even seem sane?

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry says "it's possible."

According to Harris-Perry, Rachel Dolezal “might actually be black," despite having white parents.  Dolezal was married to a black man and at one time claimed to have biracial parents, even though her very white parents say otherwise.  At one point, Dolezal warned her adopted black sibling not to blow her cover when she came to Spokane.

"But is it possible that she might actually be black? The best way that I know how to describe this and I want to be very careful here,” Harris-Perry said. “Because I don’t want to say it’s equivalent to the transgender experience.”

"But there is a useful language in trans and cis, which is to just to say some of us are born cis-gendered, some of us are born trans-gendered,” she added. “But I wonder can it be that one would be cis-black and trans-black, that there is actually a different category of blackness, about the achievement of blackness, despite one’s parentage?”

Hobbs agreed, telling Harris-Perry it’s “absolutely possible” there’s “certainly a chance that she identifies as a black woman and there could be authenticity to that.” She cited Dolezal's claim that the issue of her race is "multi-layered" and complex.

Is there no end to this?  How many people are buying this stupidity?

The thing is, the leftists are the ones that bring up race, color and gender.  Conservatives see everyone as simply Americans.  The Democrats and the establishment GOP separates us into groups, and then we are forced to talk about it to dispel the idiocy.  The liberal left separates us into groups on purpose.  That way, then can set us upon each other, creating the chaos they need that they dare not let go to waste.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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