Monday, June 29, 2015

Collectivism Always Leads to Coercion

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Rome began as a republic, but it collapsed from within as it transitioned to an empire.  When the leadership completed its abandonment of virtue, as the public was offered subsidies from the government as a part of a massive redistribution of wealth, the weight of a growing dependency class against a diminishing group of producers, and the rejection of morality, combined to decay Rome's civilization.  Unable to stop the decay once it began, eventually Rome collapsed.

During the fall the leaders attempted to erase the republic in order to justify their debauchery.  They sought to rewrite history, ban the images of the republic that were not acceptable, and silence or exile any who dared to stand in opposition of the modernity of the empire.

From abortion, to the normalization of homosexuality, the end became an orgy of perversion and death.  From a prosperous republic, to a despotic mass of immorality, extremes followed.  Seeking a way out of the debauchery, the empire returned from the edge of ruin as a Holy Roman Empire, though no less authoritarian as it was before.

The drive behind all of the insanity was collectivism.  The rights and beliefs of the individual were traded in for the demands of the collective, and the tyranny of a central system fueled by politicians seeking power and wealth at any cost, and a mindless following of uninformed and easily fooled citizens who bathed in the sinfulness of the new society.

Rome's disease has now come to America.  It's the same kind of people.  Collectivism, seeking power, no matter who or what they destroy.  People banter about Freemasons, bankers, corporations and Building 7, when none of that matters.  Those are just conspiracies that may, or may not, be true.  But it doesn't matter because regardless of who is doing it, it is being done.  America is being fundamentally transformed the same way Rome was, the same way France was, the same way Britain was, the same way Russia was, the same way China was, and the same way Germany was.  They all fell under the spell of the collectivists.  The stories may have differed slightly, the names of the rebels and the ruling elite may have a different ring, and the details of the strategies may have some fluctuations, but in the end it is the same collectivists, the utopianists, the humanists, the ones who destroy with the promise of taking humanity to a peaceful place.  Collectivism always turns into coercion, and the coercion always leads to the shedding of blood.  To stand against them is to stand against the engineers of the new world, and they do not tolerate competition, or opposition.

True peace, after all, comes when all opposition to utopia is destroyed and eliminated.  That's a paraphrase of what Karl Marx said, but all collectivists have said it, or at least they have all thought it and acted upon it.

The envelope is always pushed a little bit further.  Pandora's Box always leads to more boxes.  The death of virtue in one small arena always leads to more arenas, and ultimately to the killing of those that dare to voice their opposition.

The moderate Germans were helpless because they were afraid.  The moderate Muslims are worthless because they dare not stand against Islam.  The opposition to utopia is quickly silenced, through fear, societal persuasion, and eventually through death.

Collectivism always leads to coercion.

According to the New York Times, now that the homosexual agenda has achieved its Supreme Court win, and is now considered by the ruling men in black robes to be on the same level as any civil rights movement, this is only the beginning.  Christian business owners and renters are next.  Then any speech that dares to speak out against the gay agenda will be silenced, churches will be made to accept the demands of the homosexual agenda or be closed, pastors will be fined and jailed, and eventually churches will be burned, Bibles will be burned, and people will be killed.  That is the logical conclusion.  That is always, in history, what happens once collectivism begins its march to destroy a civilization.

It is like a skier going down a slope.  It cannot be stopped until the end is reached, unless by some unexpected occasion an immovable object stands in the skier's way.

We must be that immovable object, the tree or the boulder that stops the accelerating runaway downhill race, or else we will be Cicero, fighting a losing battle to save society, exiled for daring to speak out against it, and eventually no more because the old pass away, and the younger generation stands in the new camp.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

Pulau harapan said...

Collectivism Always Leads to Coercion