Sunday, June 07, 2015

Hamas Rockets Again Raining Down On Israel

by JASmius

If jihadists obliterate a community of Jews with a fusillade of missiles, and the "international community" chooses (again) to ignore it, do they go boom?:

Israel's prime minister on Sunday slammed the international community's silence over recent rocket attacks from Gaza and warned that a strong reprisal could be forthcoming.

Benjamin Netanyahu said he hasn't heard a word of condemnation from the world about three rocket attacks from Gaza over the past two weeks. The rockets did not cause any injury or harm but disrupted the quiet in southern Israel that has mostly prevailed since last summer's war between Hamas and Israel.

"It will be interesting to see if this silence continues when we use all our strength in exercising our right to defend ourselves," Netanyahu said at his weekly Cabinet meeting. "It should be clear: the hypocrisy that is sweeping the world will not chain our hands from defending the citizens of Israel."

Or "business as usual in the Holy Land".  But there is a certain irony to it.

If the "international community" truly cared about preventing the Jews from defending themselves, the solution would be obvious: pretend to care about Hamas attacks upon Israel, perhaps by luring Netanyahu into some sort of pact wherein the "international community" would guarantee Israeli security in return for forgoing their own self-protection.  Make it more politically difficult for Bibi to "go unilateral," since as it stands now, he's got his own people pretty close to unanimously behind him on national security issues.  A state of affairs that is the direct consequence of the "international community" turning a blind eye to Hamas and Hezbollah attacks on the Jewish State and then landing on the latter with both feet when they retaliate.

Also, that way, if the Israelis did retaliate anyway, not only would they be vilified for it, but the "international community" would have some flimsy legal justification for punishing them for doing so - even militarily intervening against the Jews on Hamas's behalf.

Or, in this case, ISIS, since the Islamic State claimed "credit" for the latest bombardment.

And yes, the IAF retaliated.

Just another day for God's chosen, besieged people.

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