Democrats demand Tredy Gowdy release Sidney Blumenthal transcript; Rick Perry trumps Trump on border bluster; Obama to life sanctions without confirming Iran's previous nuclear weapons progress; Greece to stiff the European Union and join Vladimir Putin's neo-Warsaw Pact?; Ashton Carter: "The Iraqi 'army' sucks at recruiting"; The self-fulfilling prophecy of anti-Christian persecution; The Gospel according to Karl Marx; The only cybersecrecy Barack Obama cares about; Scott Walker, the conservative GOP frontrunner; Hillary Clinton dons her Henry Kissinger costume; Brian Williams, the new face of MSNBCCCP; Trade Promotion Authority is baaaaaaaaaack; The stirrings of the American Weimar?; and no sooner is Dylann Roof, the Charleston, South Carolina mass murderer, caught than the leftwingnut gun confiscation politicization begins.
There are literally not enough hours in the day at 7PM Eastern/4PM Pacific.
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