The vassalized States are spending almost a billion dollars to enforce ObamaCare, and thirty-five billion dollars to enforce federal diktats overall; Good news: ISIS is developing chemical weapons to go with its bubonic plauge and nukes; Guess who's financing the Dems' voter fraud crusade?; Uh-oh: Judge orders Marilyn Mosby to respond to defense motions in Freddie Gray case; "This is my last territorial demand in Europe" says...Vladimir Putin; Emma Sulkowicz is not the twenty-first century Linda Lovelace; Last week's ChiComm hack stole clearance files back to 1985; Ben Carson's campaign is imploding, and other reasons why three-quarters of the GOP presidential field has no business running; Scott Walker's full, frontal American leadership; Are Democrats not "ready for Hillary" after all?; Hamas rockets again rain down on Israel; Get ready for Border Crisis II; It was inevitable: "transgender" children's books; and the Supreme Court's day in the confused court of public opinion.
The water's always fine in the deep end at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.
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