Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Iraq Now Officially "Obama's War"

by JASmius

It only took six and a half years and O deliberately and completely throwing away the victory that Dubya achieved there and clandestinely (at first) and now openly (via the "Iraqi Army") arming the Islamic State even as he's got American pilots serving as the Iranian air force, but the LIVs and NIVs have finally caught on that the unmitigated disaster that their "messiah" has made of the Middle East in general and Mesopotamia in particular is not, after all, the fault of his predecessor.

And still, the amazing thing is that.....well, you know the old saying: "The miracle of the dancing bear is not how well he dances, but that he dances at all":

As you can see, the overall numbers are still at the tipping point.  But their direction, which is what matters, are clear in the details:

[I]n May 2009, 52% said things were going very or moderately well for the U.S. in Iraq.

In the wake of Bush's "Surge" victory.

Today, when ISIS is inserted into that question, just 38% say so.

After Obama conspicuously squandered that victory and resurrected the enemy Bush had defeated.

Last September, support for Obama’s handling of ISIS split along partisan lines at 45/49; today, with ISIS in control in Ramadi and threatening Baghdad, it’s 32/63. All of which is to say, starting when Obama took office and even for several years afterward, the public had come around to believing that Iraq was finally on the right track. In fact, Obama had come around to believing that Iraq was on the right track....

i.e. He stole the credit for the victory Bush had won and he had so insistently denied and resisted as cover for his plans to reverse it.

In his rush to take credit for bringing the troops home by effectively declaring “mission accomplished....”

Oh, isn't that a delicious dish of irony....

....he set the stage for the public to turn on him, not Bush, when everything fell apart later. And now they have.

....and poetic justice.

And remember, if the Dems do nominate Hillary, she's got that same cross to bear.

Kinda takes the edge off the Obamedia's obsession with forcing the 2016 GOP presidential armada to jump through their "Are you another Bush?" hoops - and reinforces the weak-ass foolishness of most of the latter in meekly cooperating - doesn't it?

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