Saturday, June 13, 2015

Obama Continues To Empty Gitmo

by JASmius

As fast as he can manage without anybody finding out about it.

And the latest six are not from any "JV team":

Six Yemeni prisoners from the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, were transfered to Oman in the first release since Ashton Carter took over as U.S. defense secretary in February....

“The continued operation of the detention facility weakens our national security by draining resources, damaging our relationships with key allies and partners, and emboldening violent extremists,” Ned Price, spokesman for White House National Security Council, said in an e-mail Saturday.

And continuing to release violent, maniacal, bloodthirsty Islamic Fundamentalists who want to massacre all Americans to return to the Global Jihad against us will enhance our national security, improve our relationships with key allies and partners all of whom take jihadism vastly more seriously than we do, and discourage "violent extremists"?  I"m sorry, Ned, but you're going to have to explain that doggerel to me a lot better and more thoroughly than just the boilerplate ignorant dhimmist sneering you're shoveling out here, 'cause I and a great many others just aren't "getting" that.  I dunno, maybe "counterintuitiveness" isn't our thing.

This batch, as I alluded to above, isn't exactly overflowing with model citizens:

The Defense Department identified the individuals as Idris Ahmad ‘Abd Al Qadir Idris, Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad Mas’ud, Jalal Salam Awad Awad, Saa’d Nasser Moqbil Al Azani, Emad Abdallah Hassan, and Muhammad Ali Salem Al Zarnuki, according to a statement on Saturday.

In detention for over a decade, all six were assessed to have been members of al-Qaeda or al-Qaeda affiliated fighters. Several served as bodyguards to al-Qaeda’s founder, Osama Bin Laden. At least two, Imad Abdallah and Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad, may re-engage in [jihadists] activities if released without rehabilitation and close supervision, according to Defense Department documents posted on the WikiLeaks website. [emphases added]

More like "at least six".  But DOD is openly admitting that Imad Abdallah and Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad, at least, WILL rejoin the Global Jihad, because I don't know about y'all, but I'm not betting the mortgage on Oman's "rehabilitation and close supervision" capabilities.

Tell me again, Ned, how this enhances U.S. national security?  Something's just getting lost in the translation, like a.....faulty Skype connection.

I don't know what Ashton Carter was waiting for - maybe another especially "busy week," with lots and lots of big news distractions - but it's abundantly clear that this is the top reason why he was brought in to replace Chuck Hagel, who was cashiered because he couldn't square his big-eared boss's anti-Gitmo/pro-Jihad counterintuition either.

The surprise in this story?  There are still 116 inmates at Camp X-Ray.  The less surprising reason?  Over half of them are from Yemen, apparently neither the Houthis nor their Iranian superiors will take them off our hands, and the White House is running out of "foster jailers".

Exit question #1: How about ISIS?  Is "Caliph" al-Baghdadi not returning King Hussein's calls?

Exit question #2: If The One just absolutely insists on importing them into our country, why not send them to Utah?  I understand they know what to do with violent, murderous prisoners....

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