Or, at the very least, station its armed forces in all those locations. Which amounts to more or less the same thing:
China will add its assets and activities in space, the deep sea and polar regions to its pending national security law, state media said on Wednesday, the latest changes to the sweeping and controversial draft legislation.
President Xi Jinping, who heads a newly established national security commission, has said China's security covers a wide array of areas, including politics, culture, the military, the economy, technology and the environment.
Aaaaaaaand U.S. government computer networks!
But foreign business groups and diplomats have argued that the draft national security law, which could be adopted after a third reading over the next week by China's top legislative committee, is too broad and vague....
By design.
"Some standing committee members, participants and departments suggested that in space, the deep sea, polar regions and other strategic new frontiers, China has real and potential major national interests and faces security threats and challenges," the official Xinhua news agency said.
China would therefore "peacefully explore and exploit" space, international sea bed areas and polar regions, and strengthen the security of "activities, assets and other interests" there, Xinhua said. [emphasis added]
It is a long-established fact of communist empires like the old Soviet Union that once they "peacefully explore and exploit" and occupy a piece of territory, they never leave it. There's no reason to believe that the ChiComms are any different. They're not going to "explore and exploit" any place to which they will not also stake a claim and then defend it to the death. The polar regions and international seabed areas constitute energy-rich territories that they will seek to deny to us, and space is the ultimate high ground from which they can control our own territory up to and including bombarding it from orbit. Ditto Luna, which Red China will almost certainly be the next country to visit, and from which they would effectively control the Earth-Luna system and even the inner solar system.
They are as much as telling us not just that they are going to conquer us, but the fine details of how they're going to do it. Am I the only one to whom this is as obvious as it looks?
Exit punchline: "In a separate report, Xinhua said legislators would also review a new draft cyber security law....'The principle of Internet sovereignty is a major doctrine for safeguarding national sovereignty and interests,' Xinhua said."
Too late to nominate Xi Jinping for POTUS?
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