Tuesday, June 09, 2015

"The Dark & Troubling History Of The Transgender Movement"

by JASmius

I hope Walt Heyer can afford a full-sized private security detail, because he has now made of himself a marked man:

After having two sex changes, author and speaker Walt Heyer knows the pitfalls of being a transgender and says that the new movement with Bruce Jenner as the poster boy does not lead to happiness, but to despair and regret.

“Bruce Jenner and Diane Sawyer could benefit from a history lesson,” Heyer expressed in a piece on Public Discourse. “I know, because I suffered through ‘sex change’ surgery and lived as a woman for eight years. The surgery fixed nothing — it only masked and exacerbated deeper psychological problems.”...

“The beginnings of the transgender movement have gotten lost today in the push for transgender rights, acceptance and [dominance],” Heyer asserts. “If more people were aware of the dark and troubled history of sex-reassignment surgery, perhaps we wouldn’t be so quick to push people toward it.”

Such as.....

“The setting for the first transgender surgeries (mostly male-to-female) was in university-based clinics, starting in the 1950s and progressing through the 1960s and the 1970s,” Heyer informed. “When the researchers tallied the results and found no objective proof that it was successful — and, in fact, evidence that it was harmful — the universities stopped offering sex-reassignment surgery.”...

“Since then, private surgeons [at LGBTQ insistence] have stepped in to take their place,” Heyer continued. “Without any scrutiny or accountability for their results, their practices have grown, leaving shame, regret and suicide in their wake.” [emphasis added]

If you were waiting for the "prediliction shoe" to drop, here it comes:

Heyer stresses the importance of understanding the mindset of those behind the founding fathers of the transgender movement, noting that all three of the men were pedophilia activists.

“The story starts with the infamous Dr. Alfred Kinsey, a biologist and sexologist whose legacy endures today,” Heyer pointed out. “Kinsey believed that all sex acts were legitimate — including pedophilia, bestiality, sadomasochism, incest, adultery, prostitution and group sex. He authorized despicable experiments on infants and toddlers to gather information to justify his view that children of any age enjoyed having sex. Kinsey advocated the normalization of pedophilia and lobbied against laws that would protect innocent children and punish sexual predators.”

Adding to the list, Kinsey wanted to make psychological abnormalities manifest themselves physically, as well.

“Transsexualism was added to Kinsey’s repertoire when he was presented with the case of an effeminate boy who wanted to become a girl,” Heyer explained. “Kinsey consulted an acquaintance of his, an endocrinologist by the name of Dr. Harry Benjamin. Transvestites, men who dressed as women, were well-known. Kinsey and Benjamin saw this as an opportunity to change a transvestite physically, way beyond dress and make-up. Kinsey and Benjamin became professional collaborators in the first case of what Benjamin would later call ‘transsexualism.’”

If you have always been under the impression that chemically and surgically mutilating oneself to externally change something that is genetically immutable, trust your instincts:

Besides results from Johns Hopkins University showing that sex change surgery provides no relief, Heyer also points to research conducted by Benjamin’s partner, endocrinologist Charles Ihlenfeld.

“Ihlenfeld worked with Benjamin for six years and administered sex hormones to five hundred transsexuals,” Heyer divulged. “Ihlenfeld shocked Benjamin by publicly announcing that 80% of the people who want to [pretend to] change their gender shouldn’t do it. Ihlenfeld said: ‘There is too much unhappiness among people who have had the surgery … Too many end in suicide.’” [emphasis added]

The moral of the story?  "Gender-reassignment" is the Joseph Mengele of quackery, and if you want to actually want to "flip" yourself, you'd better find human cloning and gene surgery technology a couple of millennia in advance of the state of the art, because it cannot be done now.  Which is why gender-benders are so, you should pardon my French, baisée en haut.

That is why "transgenderism" comprehensively offends me more than any other manifestation of sexual deviancy.  Name any other debauched brand of it - homosexuality, bisexuality, pedophilia, pederasty, beastiality - and there are aspects of each that can make a person actively, explosively nauseous and quaking in righteously rabid outrage.  Oftentimes simultaneously.  But as aggressively despotic as these behavioral squalor pits have become about forcing everybody else to embrace them, it is - for now - still possible to be small-L libertarian about them.  "To each their own, as long as I don't have to see, hear, touch, or smell yours if it makes me detonatingly nauseous," and all that.

"Transgenderism" doesn't permit that "wall of separation".  A wacko man or woman mutilates him or herself into a faux woman or man and the rest of us are required to acknowledge it as if it was reality when it is objectively and scientifically a filthy lie, even to the tranny itself.  It's a demand that everybody willingly contract the same mental illness from which they not only suffer, but in which they actively wallow.  It's chemical and surgical transvestitism, without being able to "tell" with a TSA grope-down.

I will not accept that.

Bruce Jenner is not "Caitlyn" Jenner, he's Bruce Jenner with fake tits and a fake pussy.  Although he is more feminine than Hillary Clinton, which isn't saying much.

And now Walt Heyer has committed the unpardonable "LGBTQ" sin: He left the loopy, dirty, moist "faith" and is blowing the whistle on the ugly, evil, despicable truth.beneath its Vanity Fair exterior.

I sure hope he's got his affairs in order and his life insurance paid up, because has he got a hatestorm coming in his direction.

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