Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cartoon Network: Your Children Stand in the New Camp

By Douglas V. Gibbs

My son sometimes gets upset at me, accusing me of seeing politics in everything. . . especially on television.  I respond that I did not make it that way, it is just that using the media to condition the public, especially the younger generation, is what statists do.  Even in the cartoons our kids watch, there are political messages to our children.  When I was young, those messages were carefully integrated so as to get the message of leftism across, without necessarily being overly bold about it.  After all, the older generation, when I was a kid, could recognize statism, communism, socialism, and humanism a mile away, so the indoctrination of the children had to be carefully crafted (of course, there were exceptions where the message was pretty obvious. . . H.R. Pufnstuf, for example).  Now, not so much.  They don't even try to hide it.  The older folks of today, after all, are the long-haired hippies of the sixties and seventies, and the leftist liberal Democrat statists believe the nation has turned the corner.  They don't believe they have to be stealth in their message, anymore.

So, this afternoon, after a very busy day out and about, including a noontime meeting with a few of my Constitution Association colleagues, I sat down in the living room and turned on the television.  My two granddaughters that were in the house were all excited to watch TV with Grandpa, and climbed into my lap.  The show was Teen Titans Go!.  We watched, and I about fell off the couch as the characters broke into a PEACE! LOVE! song for the ages - - - fully equipped with peace symbols and the two-finger peace sign.

I get it.  We all want peace, and we all are supposed to be loving. . . even love thy neighbor, and love thy enemy.  But there is also a common sense factor that is supposed to be attached. . . a common sense gene that I think leftists were born without.  The context of the Teen Titans Go! Peace and Love song is leftist, hippie, peace/love at any cost. . . including making deals with Iran because we would hope they will coexist. . . when in reality, all they want to do is kill us.

If my granddaughter asks me for flowers to put in her hair, I am going to take her down to the gun store.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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