Saturday, July 25, 2015

Conservative Voice Radio: Paul Revere's Modern Day Ride

Conservative Voice Radio Begins Now!

Hosted by Douglas V. Gibbs on KMET 1490-AM, Conservative Voice Radio airs every Saturday at 8:00 am.  Join Doug, and his Tea Party Friends from the Banning-Beaumont-Cherry Valley Tea Party Patriots (Glenn, Tom, and Jan) as they go through important stories of the week that you want to know about.  If you miss it live, you can also check out the podcast, later.

Today's program topics:

- Planned Parenthood selling baby parts.

- Iran Deal going to the United Nations for approval before going to Congress (and the what the U.S. Constitution says about that).

- Obama threatens to cut off military aid to Israel in retaliation for condemning Iran nuke deal.

- Seattle to use tax dollars to pay Muslim mortgages.

- Chemtrails, and Chromium 6

- White House: "Cattanooga who?"

- Trump making waves: Why are voters running to him. . . while leftists flock to Sanders rather than Hillary?

- Obama's secret racial data base.

- O'Malley's "All Lives Matter"

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