Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Failure of the Gay Marriage Argument

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Allen West says there is a rainbow in the storm of unconstitutional homosexual agenda court rulings.  In response to the decision by the unelected Supreme Court justices to force States into compliance with their version of what they think marriage should be, according to West, the way the Supreme Court used the 14th Amendment in the Gay Marriage case, the argument can also be extended to concealed carry permits regarding firearms.  The argument is that if a "right" must be issued through a certificate in all States and recognized in all States, this also makes any concealed carry permit from any State valid in any other State.  

From a "case law" point of view, West's is a valid argument, and a reasonable way to use the liberal left's own words and actions against them. As a Constitutionalist, of course, the very existence of a "case law point of view" drives me nuts.  I am also bothered by Mr. West's comment that the Second Amendment grants gun rights. Our rights are God-given rights, not rights that belong to us because they are enumerated in a Bill of Rights.

That said, we must also remember that the federal government has never been given an authority through the Constitution regarding marriage, guns, or health care. Each of those issues are none of the federal government's business. Every federal gun law, as well as the recent Supreme Court rulings regarding the ACA and marriage, are unconstitutional (and, therefore, illegal).

The gay marriage ruling places at risk all five rights enumerated in the First Amendment (religion, speech, press, assembly, to petition the government for a redress of grievances). The way to battle it is to strip the gay marriage argument of its "civil rights" label. Is homosexuality an unchangeable condition one is born with? The reality of the existence of "former gays" says otherwise. Change is possible, and change happens, when it comes to homosexuality. The existence of ex-gays tells us the behavior is influenced more by environment and personal choice, than by any genetic pre-destination, as suggested by the militant homosexual lobby.

I grew up around the homosexual community because of certain circumstances in my life, and I don't remember gays saying they were born that way, or were they ever concerned with marriage (in fact, they mocked marriage).  The argument changed when it became politically convenient.  Understand, the homosexual agenda is not about marriage.  It is about destroying marriage, and ultimately about destroying Christianity, and any other group that may dare to stand against the gay agenda.

Are there persons who believe they are gay, and believe they were born that way?  Absolutely.  But, their decision is not because on genetics, but because they have been deceived, and they have bought into the "born that way" argument and have convinced themselves of the same.  I don't know how these folks found their way to where they are, but I pray for them, and my concern goes out to them, in the hopes that they will realize the truth, and turn away from the chains of homosexuality that bind them, and away from the destructive tyranny against the American System the movement presents.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen, friend, amen.