Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hard Starboard Radio: Americans Remembering Why They Never Liked Hillary Clinton

Bush-supporting GOP congressman says Donald Trump might be a Hillary Clinton mole; Hillary could lose 56% of the Democrat primary vote to....Joe Biden?; Medicaid - aka American single-payer "healthcare" - is a "humanitarian castastrophe"; Major Garrett administers a stiff dose of journalism to Barack Obama's abandonment of Iran's U.S. hostages; Wisconsin Supreme Court pulls the plug on anti-Walker "John Doe" witchhunt; The next Planned Parenthood propaganda gambit: sting filimmakers are "extreme anti-abortion activists"; Jihadist active shooting attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee kills four U.S. Marines; and Hillary Clinton's favorables sinking towards Bush territory circa 2008.

The Republican path to victory is a narrow one at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.

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