Of course she didn't. We can rely on her word and nothing else, since she deleted them off her server months ago. Trust her:
Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Saturday that she neither sent nor received materials considered classified at the time through the private e-mail account she used while serving as secretary of state.
“I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received,” she told reporters in Winterset, Iowa, after news emerged this week that a federal watchdog had asked the FBI to review whether potentially classified material in her e-mails had been jeopardized during a State Department review of the messages ahead of public release.
“The facts are pretty clear,” she said, reiterating her campaign's message on Friday as news of the referral unfolded. [emphases added]
Bill and Hillary Clinton are congenitally incapable of unequivocally declarative denials. If she had never sent or received classified documents via her email server - and if she'd intended that to be the case from the day she walked into Foggy Bottom, she bloody well had the staff and resources to make it stick - she would have said, "I never sent nor received any information that was classified." Period.
But she can't say that because she did send and receive classified documents through her server, because she used it in lieu of the State Commissariat email servers the law required for her entire four-year tenure at State. She couldn't not have done so. But all of them were deleted from the server that she still refuses to turn over in order to expunge the evidential trail leading back to her, so that she can issue these garishly false, mealy-mouthed denials that nobody can ever conclusively debunk.
IOW, La Clinton Nostra SOP.
Same thing with the latter half of that emphasized sentence above. How do you send a classified document via "hillaryemails.com" without sending a classified document via "hillaryemails.com"? Simple: declassify it, send it (in the open) and then re-classify it again. Classified information may - will - be glommed by our adversaries, but what does that matter compared to covering the Empress's immense rear end? After all, it's her lawbreaking that REALLY needs to be classified.
And then there's the "vast rightwing conspiracy/my enemies are making a big deal out of nothing/it's the bureaucracy's fault/etc. etc., etc." excuse parade:
“If I just turned it over, we would not be having this conversation,” she said.
Actually, if she just turned it over, given the fact that she still hasn't done so, for which there must be a thoroughly incriminating reason, there really might be a federal criminal investigation underway.
“But when I said, 'Hey, I want it to be public,' it has to go through the FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] process. That’s what’s going on here.
Hiding behind the bureaucracy to aid in the stonewalling process.
And I am going to continue to say that I want it to be made public as soon as it possibly can. And we will do whatever we can to try to get the process to move along.” [emphases added]
She's going to continue to say it while she continues to obstruct it using the FOIA excuse. And when that card is played out, she's got plenty more where it came from. Because "as soon as it possibly can" means "after I'm sworn in 544 days from now, after which it will disappear behind the Executive Privilege wall and I can summarily jail anybody who so much as mentions it in or out of my regal presence ever again".
Power, after all, covers a vast multitude of never-to-be-acknowledged sins.
But in the mean time, enjoy "Clinton Classics," peasants.
1 comment:
She had to receive and or send classified documents in order to do her job as Secretary of State. If she did not receive or send them on her server as she claims, how did she do her job. Is she lying about them being on her server or is she lying about this being her only server?
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