Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Iran Clinches Armageddon

by JASmius

The late Charlton Heston's Astronaut Taylor provides the best possible lede for this story:

Iran....[five] major world powers[, and the United States] reached a nuclear deal on Tuesday, capping more than a decade of negotiations with an agreement that could transform the Middle East, and which Israel called an "historic surrender."

Oh, it'll transform the Middle East, alright; into some combination of an expanded Iranian empire and an irradiated slagheap.

Under the deal, sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union and United Nations would be lifted....


....in return for Iran agreeing to long-term curbs on a nuclear program that the West has suspected was aimed at creating....nuclear [weapons].

That might take effect someday, if Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is in a generous mood.  And if, you know, he bothers complying with these loose-as-a-goose terms at all.  Which he won't.  Unlike our obligations under the deal regarding the lifting of sanctions, which will be impossible for a future POTUS (if there ever is one) to reinstate, thanks to the mullahs' Russian and ChiComm allies.

Reaching a deal is a major policy victory for both Barack Obama and Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, a pragmatist elected two years ago on a vow to reduce the diplomatic isolation of a country of seventy-seven million people.

That's all O ever cared about.  As for Rouhani, he's irrelevant, and was only installed as Iranian frontman by Khamenei because the latter belatedly realized that predecessor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's cartoonish belligerence was making it too difficult for even Obama to offer up the surrender he so desperately wanted.  Although Rouhani did say, "Iran's prayers have come true," a phrase more pregnant than a fat woman in the throes of labor pains.

But both leaders face skepticism from powerful hardliners at home after decades of enmity between nations that referred to each other as "the Great Satan" and a member of the "axis of evil."

Home is irrelevant as well.  For both, thanks to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chump Bob Corker (R-TN).  More on that a bit later.

Here's where the "deal" is the nuclear anti-proliferation equivalent of Miley Cyrus's lady parts:

Iran must provisionally implement an agreement giving United Nations inspectors much broader access to sites inside the country and eventually get parliamentary approval for that agreement. [emphases added]

Our end of the "deal" must and will be complied with instantly.  Their end of the "deal" - and inspections are the only part that matters because without them the rest of Iran's "obligations" are meaningless - are....yet to be determined....details to be worked out at a later date....the subject of the next round of negotiations.

In essence, there won't be any inspections.  We'll just trust them to keep their word.  Something at which they have such an outstanding track record.  Right?

What could possibly go wrong?

In form it bears a depressing similarity to the periodic "bipartisan budget deals" in Congress, where the Democrats always get their tax increases immediately, and the Republicans get their spending cuts - sorry, "reduction in the rate of spending increases" - "at a later date".

This is an engraved invitation for the mullahgarchy to wipe out Israel and America and dominate the entire Middle East - at minimum.  And not just with nukes, because we caved on everything else as well, just as I've been alleging:

Sanctions also will be lifted on Iran, including those on the country’s banks and financial sectors, which have long supported Iran’s nuclear program as well as its sponsorship of international terror groups.

In one of the more controversial concessions made by the Obama administration, a United Nations’ embargo on arms also will be lifted within around five years as part of the deal, according to multiple reports. A similar embargo on the construction of ballistic missiles, which could carry a nuclear payload, also will expire in around eight years under the deal.

Initial readings of the deal also indicate that Iran will be given the right to veto so-called “anywhere, anytime” inspections of Iranian nuclear sites. This concession has caused concern that Tehran will be able to continue obfuscating its nuclear work and potentially continue in secret along the pathway to....bombs.

Iran also will be permitted for a time to keep its military sites off limits to inspectors, who have long been unable to confirm the past dimensions and scope of Iran’s nuclear weapons work. [emphases added]

And remember: All of the above quote assumes that the mullahs abide by Obama's surrender terms.  Which we'll have no idea if they are because they can keep out inspectors forever at their unilateral discretion.

And remember who once insisted and emphatically vowed that "anywhere, any time" inspections were a deal-breaking, non-negotiable demand: Barack Hussein Obama.  Who strode like a colossus into the press room at the White House this morning and actually said:

Because of this deal, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region.

And, cutting straight to the chase of his Greatest Lie Ever Told, he actually claimed that his "deal" requires inspections anyplace, at any time:

Because of this deal we will for the first time be in a position to verify all of these commitments. That means this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iran will have access to Iran’s entire nuclear supply chain, its uranium mines and mills, its conversion facility and its centrifuge manufacturing and storage facilities.

This ensures that Iran will not be able to divert materials from known facilities to covert ones. Some of these transparency measures will be in place for twenty five years.

Because of this deal, inspectors will also be able to access any suspicious location — put simply, the organization responsible for the inspections, the IAEA, will have access where necessary, when necessary. That arrangement is permanent. And the IAEA has also reached an agreement with Iran to get access that it needs to complete its investigation into the possible military dimensions of Iran’s past nuclear research. [emphases added]

This is not a half-truth.  This is not a quarter-truth.  This is not an eighth-truth.  This is not a sixteenth, or third-second, or sixty-fourth-truth.  It's not a millitruth, microtruth, nanotruth, or femtotruth.  It is the diametric opposite of the truth.  It is a bigger pile of bullshit than every sewage treatment plant on the planet with Bill Clinton's bedroom tossed in for good measure.

And it's going to get millions of innocent people horribly slaughtered, their incinerated blood all over Barack Obama's hands.  Which is the only thing that might persuade me that he really is leaving office when constitutionally required at Noon EST, January 20th, 2017, because then World War IV will be somebody else's fault, and he'll be right there on the tube - assuming the Iranian EMP attack hasn't taken it out - blaming President Walker for "failing to connect the dots" and "undoing all my work to achieve peace in the Middle East".

The reaction outside the White House can be kindly described as sulfuric.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC):

The goal going into the talks with Iran was to dismantle its nuclear program, Senator Lindsey Graham said Tuesday, but instead, the Obama administration has "ensured they've become a nuclear nation" and created a situation that will lead to nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East.

"This is the most dangerous, irresponsible step I have ever seen in the history of watching the Middle East," the South Carolina Republican and presidential candidate told MSNBC's Morning Joe program. "You have put every Sunni Arab in a terrible spot ... with the passage of time, this industrial-strength program we have locked in place will become a nuclear program."

In regards to Israel, Graham said, "You have taken their biggest threat on the planet, who constantly chants 'Death to Israel,' and you have created a possible death sentence."

And as for the United States, "you have taken our chief antagonist, people who have killed hundreds of Americans in Iraq, toppled pro-American governments throughout the region, including Yemen, and given them capability to become a nuclear nation."

Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu went, well, ballistic:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday the agreement between Iran and six world powers on Tehran’s nuclear program is a “historic mistake for the world.”

Because Bibi knows that it won't only be Israel that suffers the consequences Barack Obama has unleashed.

“Wide-ranging concessions were made in all of the areas which should have prevented Iran from getting the ability to arm itself with....nuclear weapon[s],’’ Mr. Netanyahu said. “The desire to sign an agreement was stronger than everything else.” …

Israel is expected to actively lobby U.S. legislators against the deal. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely pointed to such an effort in her reaction to the deal.

“The implications of this agreement for the foreseeable future are very grave,” she said. “The state of Israel will employ all diplomatic means to prevent the confirmation of the agreement.’’

And then they will employ all military means to destroy what the "agreement" has wrought.  Because they now have no other choice, if indeed they ever did.

Speaking to Israel Radio on Tuesday, Mr. Netanyahu’s former national security adviser,Yaakov Amidror, said Tuesday’s agreement lacks tough procedures that prevent Iran from violating it.

“When the foundations of a house are shaky,” Mr. Amidror said. “I don’t care what’s in the windows or doors. That house won’t stand through one storm. This agreement won’t stand through one storm. On the day the Iranians decide to violate it, there is no real mechanism that can operate against them.” [emphases added]

Precisely, one is pretty much forced to conclude, as Barack Obama intended.

And by the way, you know Israel's original, historic Arab enemies?  They're about two steps away from entering into an open anti-Iran alliance with Jerusalem:

Morning Joe panelist Mike Barnicle asked Engel what his sense was that this deal could....


....set off a “new and really volatile MidEast arms race.”

“It is very possible,“ Engel said. “In one sense, you have to look at this as a gamble. The U.S. is taking a gamble, and for the U.S. there is relatively low risk....

Wanna bet?

… For the region right now, this is not like Cuba. This is not like Myanmar. There are active conflicts underway right now, in which Iran is a major party to those conflicts, so there is a possibility that this agreement could just be adding more fuel to the sectarian fire … An arms race is possible, and a worsening of the active regional conflicts in the region is also possible.” [all emphases added]

No, Mr. Engel, a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and worsening of active regional conflicts in the Middle East are guaranteed.  Indeed, it has already begun.  There is no mitigating indication from the Islamic Empire's conduct over the past thirty-six years that remotely even hints at any restraint on Tehran's part that might be expected going forward.  All sanctions are off and a hundred billion dollars of Iranian assets are now free to fuel the mullahs' war machine, both conventional and nuclear, and this "deal" leaves no means of preventing it short of all-out war.

Which has always been the case from day one.  The difference now is that it's a war that Barack Obama has rendered us unable to win, or even survive.

And, as we have chronicled at considerable length in the recent past, don't expect Congress to muster the now-two-thirds majorities required to reject this treaty-in-everything-but-"official"-name:

The U.S. Congress will begin its scrutiny of the international nuclear agreement....

Because they shat away the constitutional authority to call it a "treaty".

....with Iran amid heavy skepticism among Republicans, many of whom said in advance that they’re prepared to reject....

Since they can't stop it.

....a deal that’s weak and gives too much leeway to Tehran.


Under legislation passed in May, Congress will have sixty days for public debate and hearings by as many as eight Senate and House committees....

That'll take sixty MONTHS, even operating concurrently.

Lawmakers then could vote on a joint resolution to approve or reject the nuclear deal, though they also may not act at all.

The most likely outcome of "Failure Theater".

The Iran deal is “going to be a hard sell” in Congress, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Fox News Sunday. He said Barack Obama “knows that the resolution of disapproval is likely to be introduced, is very likely to pass and very likely to get over sixty votes.”

I'll believe that when I see it.  But so what?  Guess who holds the veto pen?:

So I welcome a robust debate in Congress on this issue and I welcome scrutiny of the details of this agreement. But I will remind Congress that you don’t make deals like this with your friends. We negotiated arms control agreements with the Soviet Union when that nation was committed to our destruction and those agreements ultimately made us safer.

I am confident that this deal will meet the national security interests of the United States and our allies. So I will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal. [emphasis added]

Does Mitchie the Kid think he can get half of the Senate Democrat caucus to vote to override that veto of their demigod's crowning foreign policy legacy?  If he tries to put that one over, he'll be almost as full of shit at the forty-fourth and final POTUS.  And even if he and Speaker Boehner did manage to override that veto, again, so what?  O would just implement the "deal" anyway, because he's as unstoppable here at home as the Iranian nuclear blitzkrieg will be in the Middle East and across the world.

It has long been an adage of American politics that "elections have consequences".  Now we know, as we always foreknew, what those consequences are.  And those words will constitute America's epitaph.


Ron Russell said...

Obama and those on the left don't give a fu*k if Iran gets the bomb or not---their ultimate goal is the destruction of the Jewish state (a real final solution). Obama and those like thinkers see Israel as a child of western colonialism and actually believe that if the Jewish state is destroyed peace will sweep over the world. Just posted a short related piece on Nuking Israel

Anonymous said...

Mike Barnicle goes into this further with some good point. There are several good MSNBC interviews about this where he goes into detail.