Monday, July 13, 2015

Latest Media Anti-Walker Meme: "He's Dumber Than Bush"

by JASmius

The latest anti-Walker smear, but not a new one, as the "Walker was too stupid to finish college, which also makes him anti-higher-education" angle was actually their first national gambit against him.  Which means they've run out of even blank (or "dummy") ammunition against the Wisconsin governor just as he's officially entering the race, and a full year before next July's Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Or, "They're finished just as Walk is getting started":

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who is launching his campaign for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination on Monday, will be aiming to augment his image from "authentic," "real" and "approachable" to "smart" and "sophisticated," the [kazoo fanfare, please] New York Times reported.

Because all conservatives are dumber than a Nancy Pelosi-Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ventriloquist act, of course.

"Scott is working on that," Ed Goeas, a veteran Republican pollster and senior adviser to Walker, told the Times. "Look, 'approachable' is worth its weight in gold in politics. 'Smart' is something voters look for in legislators who craft policy. But Scott is preparing hard to talk about every issue."

And we know how the Left defines "smart": the Marxist-Alinskyist worldview.  Belonging to the "right" tribe.  Barack Obama.  Hillary Clinton.  George W. Bush had an Ivy League education and better grades than either his Donk predecessor or his Donk successor, but he was "Incurious George".  So whaddaya think the odds are on the Times ever giving Walk credit for adding "smart" to his "image"?  I tend to think he's more than smart enough not to lose any sleep over or waste any time on that.

But what my Tea Party friends refer to as the "establishment" also have the long knives out for him - or so the NYT claims:

"A number" of "leading" Republicans and voters say that Walker's challenge will be to convince voters he has the credibility to get elected, particularly after he had some "early stumbles" that alarmed party leaders and donors.

i.e. He gave straightfowardly candid, "everyman" conservative answers on social/moral issues questions - he said he was pro-life and that evolution is a theory, not a proven fact and should be taught that way in public schools, as I recall.  Something that causes squish mercenary GOP consultants to break out in hives and which, needless to say, were not actual "stumbles," but which got him branded with the "hick/not credible" label by people whose opinions matter the least in terms of the one thing at which they are godawful: winning elections.  A pursuit at which the Wisconsin governor is, to date, undefeated

He has since been through a rigorous round of policy tutorials, according to the Times.

As is every presidential candidate, and which the Times makes sound like a brain transplant in Governor Walker's case.

"Whether Mr. Walker can demonstrate that he has a command of the challenges facing America, and is big enough for the presidency, will be tested in the coming weeks on the campaign trail and in televised debates," the Times said.

Translation: "Whether Mr. Walker can move to the Left and commit electoral suicide will be tested in the coming weeks on the campaign trail and in televised debates, since we're incapable of landing a glove on him".

Don't hold your breath, Times.

The last redoubt of the "Walker is dumb" angle will be foreign policy, which brings to mind the old adage that the best leaders "know what they don't know" - and thusly bring themselves up to speed:

"His lack of knowledge in the foreign policy area has been a problem because, well, you want your commander in chief to be confident on those issues," Bruce Perlo, chairman of the Grafton County Republican Committee in New Hampshire, told the Times.

Advisers have said that Walker has recognized the weakness and addressed it by attending lengthy meetings on the Islamic State (ISIS), Iran, Russia, and military and geopolitical confrontations as well as other domestic issues, the Times reported.

He has also met or spoken with foreign leaders in recent months, including Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, David Cameron of Britain and Stephen Harper of Canada; Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Toomas Hendrik Ilves of Estonia; as well as retired military leaders and ambassadors, the Times said.

Plus, another hallmark of great leaders is that they don't suffer from "Kirk syndrome" - not a reference to the Illinois GOP senator, but to the starship captain who was depicted throughout the original Star Trek TV series and six motion pictures as knowing science better than Spock, medicine better than Dr. McCoy, engineering better than Scotty, communications better than Uhura, navigation better than Chekov, piloting better than Sulu, etc.  That's what made "The Ultimate Computer" episode so unintentionally humorous, because the M-5 computer installed as a test run in automated starship operation was simply a cyberversion of "Captain Dunsel" himself.  It's also the megalomaniacal trademark of Democrat POTUS's, cultiminating it its despotic pinnacle, Barack Hussein Obama.  Not an example any American should want emulated in ANY future presidency.

No, great leaders know what they don't know, and accordingly appoint strong, capable subordinates, as opposed to bootlicking sychophants who "tell the boss what he wants to hear, insofar as anybody can tell him anything that he thinks he doesn't already know," in all key areas  Does anybody doubt that a President-Elect Walker won't recruit, say, John Bolton to be his Secretary of State?  And assemble his Cabinet in like fashion right on down the line?

Bottom line is, the commumedia complex knows that Scott Walker is already a frontrunner, that he's on the inside track to the GOP nomination, that they are more or less powerless to stop him, and are accordingly trying to both "mold and shape" him into the president THEY want him to be, and discredit him with his own Tea Party base at the same time.

Once again, don't hold your breath, comrades.  Because the sequel to your own nightmare may just be coming true.

UPDATE: Tell me which recent POTUS the following most sounds like:

According to Politico, the opponents who have been left in Walker's dust say that they have a grudging respect for the Wisconsin Republican.

They describe him as "a rare and exceptionally canny politician who’s constantly underestimated and always outperforms expectations," Politico reports.

Former opponents also say Walker is "a sneaky-smart campaigner," "a polished and level-headed tactician," and "a master at reading crowds."

A former aide to Mary Burke, the Democrat who challenged Walker's re-election bid for governor in 2014, speaking on anonymity to Politico, said, "There is a risk in underestimating him."

That warning, according to Politico, is "a common theme" among those who have lost to him. [emphases added]

If that doesn't scream "Ronald Reagan" to you, then you're lying, because I - and you - know better.

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