It hasn't even been a week since Obergefell, and the floodgates of debauchery are already open:
A polygamist "family"....
A fertility cult.
....attempted to get a marriage license in Billings, Montana on Tuesday, but was turned away, KRTV reports.
Lawsuit incoming! Lawsuit incoming!
Nathan Collier, who considers himself "married" to both Vicki and Christine....
He's banging both of them, and they're both cool with his banging the other. Probably a menage a toi arrangement most nights, which, of course, has at least bisexual overtones to it. Doesn't exactly square with the idea of "holy" matrimony.
....showed up at the Yellowstone County Courthouse to obtain a marriage license for himself and Christine. He already is legally married to Vicki.
"We just want to add legal legitimacy....
Moral legitimacy by force.
....to an already happy, strong, loving family...."
Fertility cult. Straight out of Time Enough For Love, actually, as I'm sure Mr. Collier will be recruiting additions to his harem,
....Nathan told the station. "All we want is legal legitimacy....
Moral legitimacy. By force.
We aren't asking anybody for anything else.
We just want to give our "marriage" and our "family" the legitimacy that it deserves."...
Which, if he were honest, he would realize means zero.
"It's two distinct marriages, it's two distinct unions, and for us to come together and create family, what's wrong with that?" Christine said. "I don't understand why it's looked upon and frowned upon as being obscene."
We know you don't understand why it's obscene, Christine. That's pretty close to the core of the problem. And because you don't understand it, you keep participating in it, and demand that everybody else embrace it as legitimate. Which it is not. Genesis 2:24 does not say, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wives; and they shall become one teeming mass of moaning, writhing flesh." Oh, I'm sure it's hot when in the throes of that communal passion, and I know there are a lot of guys out there who would love to be the "meat" in a "manwich," but what you're describing is not a marriage, it's a series of regular orgies.
And, quite honestly, at this point your threesome isn't even polygamous, it's merely bigamous. You're merely the first to squirt through the orifice Obergefell opened. Those litigants that follow you will be a lot more "adventurous," and a lot more thirsty for Christian blood.
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